Sidan uppdaterad 2019-03-13

Step 3: After accepting your place at JU

Step 3 provides information about how the process works after you accept your exchange offer

Now that you have accepted your exchange place you can proceed with your application to the partner university.

First the International Office (IO) will send an email to the partner university and introduce you.

Nomination to the partner university will be done by the Outgoing team at International Office. This means that IO needs to respect each partner university's nomination deadlines. Students will recieve a log in account sent by email. You can later on start with the official application. This process looks different from university to university.

For you to follow this process we highly recommend you know when your application deadline is. Some universities have an early deadline and some a late. The deadline must be respected otherwise JU can not guarantee your acceptance at the partner university.

Knowing when your application deadline is will give you time to prepare all documents that might be required from your partner university. Those documents are usually:

  • Transcript of records and grades (ask Service Center about this)
  • Copy of passport
  • Financial proof from your bank
  • Insurance (you will find this in your MOA-workflow)
  • European Health Insurance Card (EHIC) (if you are an Erasmus student)
  • English Language Proficiency (you will find this in your MOA-workflow)