31 Publications
Article (non-refereed)
Kronqvist, A. (2010). Internationell konferens: 2nd CIE Expert Symposium on Appearance: "When Appearance meets Lighting", 8-10 september, Gent, Belgien.
Article (refereed)
Aarts, M., Aries, M., Diakoumis, A., van Hoof, J. (2016). Shedding a light on phototherapy studies with people having dementia: A critical review of the methodology from a light perspective.
American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementia 31(7), 551-563
Khademagha, P., Aries, M., Rosemann, A., Van Loenen, E. (2016). Why Directionality Is an Important Light Factor for Human Health to Consider in Lighting Design?.
35(1), 3-8
Elbanna, A., Linderoth, H. (2015). The formation of technology mental models: the case of voluntary use of technology in organizational setting.
Information Systems Frontiers 17(1), 95-108
Kronqvist, A. (2012). Criteria influencing the choice of luminaires in office lighting.
Journal of Design Research 10(4), 269-292
Chapter in book
Kronqvist, A. (2005). Ljuset skapar rum och upplevelse.
In: Inspirationsguiden: rum för lärande Göteborg: Lokalförsörjningsförvaltningen
Conference paper
Linderoth, H., Elbanna, A. (2016). Understanding the creation of ICT-value in the building and construction industry.
Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM)
De Goey, H., Engström, D., Lennartsson, M., Linderoth, H. (2015). Design Thinking as Facilitator for Sustainable Innovation: Exploring Opportunities at SMEs in the Swedish Wood Products Industry.
Enger, J., Davoodi, A. (2015). Visual Perception and Criteria for Good Lighting.
The International Colour Association
Linderoth, H. (2015). When Big Visions Meet The Pragmatic practice: Follow The Institutional Logicor Personal Benefits?.
Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM)
Davoodi, A., Johansson, P., Enger, J. (2014). Comparison of lighting simulation tools with focus on lighting quality.
Davoodi, A., Johansson, P., Enger, J. (2014). نرم افزارهای شبیه سازی نور، چالشها و فرصتهای پیش رو.
Linderoth, H. (2014). The Role of Technological Frames of Reference and Institutional Logics in the use of ICT.
Auckland: The Australasian Conference on Information Systems (ACIS)
Linderoth, H., Johansson, P., Granath, K. (2014). The role of bim in preventing design errors.
Association of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM)
Johansson, P., Bruun, C. (2013). Value Driven Briefing Process using ICT.
CIB: International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction
Kronqvist, A. (2013). Review of office lighting research: Paper presented at CIE Midterm Session (Centenary), Paris, April 15-16, 2013.
The International Commission on Illumination
Wänström Lindh, U. (2013). Rhythm in illumination created by static light patterns.
Vienna: The International Commission on Illumination
Wänström Lindh, U. (2013). Understanding the Space: How Distribution of Light Influences Spatiality.
European Academy of Design
Bruun, C., Johansson, J., Granath, K. (2012). Value driven ICT for the briefing process.
Kronqvist, A. (2011). The influence of light emitting diods on wellbeing and comfort in home offices.
Kronqvist, A. (2010). The influence of the lighting environment on performance and well-being in offices.
Kronqvist, A. (2010). Criteria influencing the choice of luminaires in office lighting.
Kronqvist, A. (2010). The Influence of Artificial Lighting on Performance and Wellbeing.
Säter, M. (2010). Color and light and the human area for visual comfort.
Verona: Knemesi
Kronqvist, A. (2008). Criteria influencing the choice of luminaires in the building process.
Doctoral thesis
Kronqvist, A. (2012). Lighting Design in Computerised Offices.
(Doctoral thesis, Göteborg: Chalmers University of Technology)
Granath, K., Johansson, P. (2015). Verifiering av krav och värden: Förstudie.
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
Kronqvist, A. (2015). Ljus i publik vårdmiljö: En forskningsöversikt 2015.
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
Adanko, C., Küller, M. (2014). LED-belysning och brukaren.
Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering
Johansson, P. (2013). Svensk sammanfattning av projektet ValPro: IKT-stöd för en värdedriven byggprocess.
Jönköping: Tekniska högskolan
Johansson, P., Ryd, N., Johansson, B., Granath, K. (2009). Byggherre-ICT: Förstudie om ICT-utveckling för byggherrefunktionen.
Stockholm: Byggherrarna