Dissertation defence of Jiyoung Kim
Jiyoung Kim will defend her doctoral thesis in Business Administration at a public defence on Friday, 29th of September 2023 at 1.30 pm in B1033 at JIBS.
The title of Jiyoung’s thesis is
External Enablers and New Venture Creation: How Characteristics of Environmental Changes and Enabling Mechanisms Influence Entrepreneurial Responses
Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Matthew S. Wood, Oklahoma University
Members of the Examining Committee: Professor Howard Aldrich, University of North Carolina Associate professor Richard Hunt, Virginia Polytechnic Institute Professor Leona Achtenhagen, JIBS
Chairperson at the defence is Professor Timur Uman
Supervisors are Professor Daniel Pittino (principal supervisor), Professor Francesco Chirico, and Professor Per Davidsson.
If you cannot attend the defence in person, we offer you the opportunity to follow it on Zoom webinar.
Register in advance for this webinar: https://ju-se.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_VTDMC45pSIqfa3I50XuaCg
Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: or Meeting ID: 658 1970 3278 SIP: 65819703278@ or 65819703278@
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Jönköping International Business School
Last updated:
2023-09-28 15:24