Licentiatseminarium / Licentiate seminar - Shamnath Thajudeen28 Maj 2020 - 28 Maj 202014:00 - 16:00 Da Vinci (E4106)
Da Vinci (E4106) |
Licentiatseminarium / Licentiate seminar - Shamnath ThajudeenLicentiatseminarium / Licentiate seminar - Shamnath Thajudeen Title: Supporting the Design Phase of Industrialised House Building Using a Product Platform Approach. A Case Study of a Timber-based Post and Beam Building System Doctoral Student: Shamnath Thajudeen Third cycle subject area: Machine Design Opponent : Associate Professor Marcus Sandberg, Luleå University of Technology Examiner: Associate Professor Peter Johansson, JTH Main supervisor: Professor Fredrik Elgh, JTH Location: Due to the prevailing circumstances as a result of covid-19, the licentiate seminar is going to be conducted remotely on a Zoom Webinar. We recommend that you connect to the Webinar in good time before the seminar starts. The audience will be able to see and hear but won't be able to send video and sound (to avoid the risk of disruption). After the seminar the audience will be able to ask questions, at least via the chat function. To connect to the seminar: 1. Click on the Webinar-link: https://ju-se.zoom.us/j/63057379273?pwd=T3U5bFZwNXBNTnVYdzhWY2pSVDZNdz09
If you have any troubles when connecting to the link you’ll be able to contact Paula Lernstål da Silva via the chat function and she will try to guide you right. If you don’t have the possibility to participate digitally, it will be possible for some few to participate in the webinar from the room da Vinci (E4106), at JTH. Please note that the grading meeting will take place in a so-called “break-out room” also in Zoom (a digital group room). Once the opponent, the examiner and the supervisors have had their meeting, they will re-connect to the webinar to inform the respondent and the audience about the grade. Those of you, who want to hear the announcement of the grade, shall remain connected to the webinar. Welcome to attend the seminar! Arrangör: Tekniska Högskolan
Senast uppdaterad:
2020-05-27 09:41