Gregor Maxwell

Dr Maxwell fick sin doktorsexamen 2012 från Jönköping University och är nu docent i inkluderande- och specialpedagogik vid UiT Norges arktiske universitet i Tromsø. Han arbetar främst med undervisning och forskning inom inkluderande och specialundervisning. Gregor har stor erfarenhet av att arbeta med internationella projekt då han tidigare varit involverad i ett FP6-forskningsutbildningsnätverk (MURINET). För närvarande arbetar han med Erasmus + -projektet Promoting Informed Choices for All Young People (2019-1-UK01-KA201-061971) han är också aktivt engagerad i det tematiska nätverket University of the Arctic och utvecklar ett gemensamt masterprogram (se: och även med att etablera och utöka ett nytt UNITWIN/UNESCO-nätverk (se: Nationellt är Gregor för närvarande involverad i RELEMAST-projektet vid UiT som studerar nyutbildade lärare i arbete och som partner i projektet Lärande, bedömning och gränsövergång i lärarutbildning som finansieras av det norska forskningsrådet.

Gregor undervisar i utbildningsvetenskap (pedagogik) och inkluderande utbildningsprogram (specialpedagogik) med kurser på kandidatnivå och masternivå. Dessutom handleder han studenter på kandidatnivå och masternivå samt doktorander.

Gregors forskningsintressen fokuserar på barns delaktighet med ett fokus på inkludering. Han har publicerat nationellt och internationellt på teman relaterade till barns delaktighet, skolsystem, inkludering och mångfald.


Maxwell, G., Granlund, M., Augustine, L. (2018). Inclusion through participation: Understanding participation in the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health as a methodological research tool for investigating inclusion Frontiers in Education, 3. More information
Moretti, M., Maxwell, G., Alves, I. (2012). A Systematic Literature Review of the Situation of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health and the International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health–Children and Youth Version in Education: A Useful Tool or a Flight of Fancy? American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 91(13), S103-S117. More information
Maxwell, G., Alves, I., Granlund, M. (2012). Participation and environmental aspects in education and the ICF and the ICF-CY: findings from a systematic literature review Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 15(1), 63-78. More information
Maxwell, G., Koutsogeorgou, E. (2012). Using Social Capital to Construct a Conceptual International Classification of Functioning, Disability, and Health Children and Youth Version-Based Framework for Stronger Inclusive Education Policies in Europe American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 91(13), S118-S123. More information
Koutsogeorgou, E., Maxwell, G., Aluas, M., Moretti, M., Quintas, R. (2012). Evaluating social capital indicators and national inclusive education policies in six European countries International Journal of Inclusive Education. More information
Maxwell, G., Augustine, L., Granlund, M. (2012). Does thinking and doing the same thing amount to involved participation? Empirical explorations for finding a measure of intensity for a third ICF-CY qualifier Developmental Neurorehabilitation, 15(4), 274-283. More information
Maxwell, G., Granlund, M. (2011). How are conditions for participation expressed in education policy documents?: A review of documents in Scotland and Sweden European Journal of Special Needs Education, 26(2), 251-272. More information


Maxwell, G. (2012). Bringing more to participation: Participation in school activities of persons with disability within the framework of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health for Children and Youth (ICF-CY) (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Education and Communication). More information


Maxwell, G., Koutsogeorgou, E. (2011). Inclusive Education in Europe: A practical Application of an ICF-CY-based Framework as a Tool for Inclusive Education Policies. ECER 2011, Urban Education. More information
Adolfsson, M., Klang, N., Maxwell, G., Ståhl, Y., Ullenhag, A. (2011). Participation as the Focus of Intervention:  Cultural Diversity and Universal Characteristics. Third ISEI Conference. New York City.. More information
Maxwell, G., Augustine, L. (2011). Frequency and intensity ratings of school-related participation experiences. Nordic Network on Disability Research 2011, Reykjavík, Iceland May 27 – 28, 2011. More information
Maxwell, G., Alves, I., Moretti, M. (2010). A Systematic Literature Review of the ICF/ICF-CY in Education: A Useful Tool for Inclusion or a Flight of Fantasy?. European Conference on Educational Research 2010 Helsinki. More information
Alves, I., Maxwell, G., Moretti, M. (2010). A systematic literature review of the situation of the ICF and the ICF-CY in education. Junior Researchers of EARLI 2010 Frankfurt. More information
Maxwell, G., Alves, I., Moretti, M. (2010). The ICF-CY as a tool to enhance communication between education professionals: Applying the ICF coding rules to education documents. Junior Researchers of EARLI 2010, Frankfurt. More information