Occupational Therapy, Thesis II 15 hp

After completing this course you will be able to: - Independently analyze and discuss scientific works - Conduct research and different kind of projects within occupational therapy - Orally and in writing present results of scientific papers and argue for their validity or trustworthiness


General entry requirements and completed courses on advanced level within Theory of Science and Scientific Method, 15 credits and 30 credits within Occupational Therapy (or the equivalent). Passed the course Occupational therapy, thesis I, 15 credits.

Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå

Kurskod/Ladokkod: HO2V21

Kursen ges vid: Hälsohögskolan

Label Value
Typ av Kurs Programkurstillfälle
Studieform Nätbaserad distans
Antal träffar 0
Termin org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined@0 org.mozilla.javascript.Undefined@0
Studietakt Halvfart
Undervisningsspråk Engelska
Kurstid Blandad undervisningstid
Studieavgift Gäller enbart studenter utanför EU/EES/Schweiz: 32000 SEK
Kursplan PDF
Anmälningskod HJ-H4147