Hello world! – Anders Jarfors.
How to start blogging? One way is to say that ”You are all wrong and walking in the wrong direction!”

Yes, you are! Who am I to say this????
Starting with my old Professor Hasse Fredriksson! He told me early during my studies that taking a PhD is not about science and knowledge primarily! More importantly, it is a study on how to become a builder of our future society. This I have taken seriously!
How it all evolved!
I have been in science since I was 9 years old as my childhood dream was to be a scientist and in 1992 I reached the first cornerstone. I got a PhD in Metals Casting at the Royal Institute of Technology, which is a branch of Material science and Manufacturing. This taught me science and teaching.
I was researching and teaching there till 2000 when the family decided that we should move to Singapore. The journey got me to the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology. Working there was a shift towards technology transfer and industry support, with one foot solidly in metal science! Moreover, I also tried the rent a researcher program and worked in Singapore and Malaysia for MMI Holdings. MMI Holding made hard disk drives for Seagate and Western Digital, as well as gas lasers for metrology for JDS Uniphase at the time. This experience made me much more of a society builder than before!
My odyssey continued with a move back to Sweden and the Corrosion and Metals Research Institute as a Bussiness Area Director for Process and Alloy Development. I did that between 2004 and 2007 but returned to the Singapore Institute of Manufacturing Technology, which also marked a turning point towards academia again. I got an Adjunct Associate Professorship with Nanyang Technological University, is one of the worlds leading research universities. Above all, I felt that I had found home again!
Today, I am Professor in Materials and Manufacturing with a specialisation in Metals casting at Jönköping Univerisity. This means that I am working in one of the worlds two largest research groups in the field. I have also the privilege of being a Visiting professor at CAM Institute of Semisolid Metals Technology (Jiangle) and a Guest Professor at Key State Laboratory of Metal Forming Technology and Equipment in PR China. I also have the fortune of being a Guest Professor at Cranfield University UK. Yes, I am an academician again!
So now what will this all be about?
This experience allows me to identify the elements required to build tomorrows society. As a consequence, I will look at various matters in society and science. As an example, I will be reflecting over technology transfer, the environment, technological leadership and so on. Above all, I will highlight the awesome science of materials! I want to share this, so you too can be mesmerised by the beauty of metals! In the end, I am a development optimist so if there is an obstacle science will help you overcome the problem!
Detta är en bloggtext. Det är skribenten som står för åsikterna som förs fram i texten, inte Jönköping University.