Compulsory roll call: Monday 19 August 2024 at 09:45 in room B2044 at JIBS.
The accommodation application for the Autumn semester 2024 is open until 25 May (it will be extended for students who are admitted after this date). In order to be guaranteed accommodation upon arrival you need to apply for housing, pay the 850 SEK service fee, and announce your arrival within the set deadlines. If you have not received information or have questions about accommodation, please contact
After applying, you must also make sure you announce your arrival to Accommodation Office between July 1-20 to confirm your application. Note: if you do not announce your arrival, you will lose your guaranteed accommodation. Keep in mind that there is a housing shortage, so students are strongly urged to follow through with the student housing application. More details about accommodation, arrival, pick-up weekend, etc. here.
Before arriving in Sweden, it is important to ensure that you have adequate insurance. Read more about insurances for international students at JU.
When you select your programme from the menu above, you will also find additional info, such as your compulsory programme roll call, schedule for Introduction Week, as well as some other useful links and information. Attending the programme roll-call is compulsory for new students. If you do not attend roll-call you risk losing your place.
Some students may have extenuating circumstances and may be prevented from attending roll call. If this is the case, and you cannot attend roll call, contact Admissions Office here and inform us before the roll call date.
Take the time to familiarize yourself with everything on this page, so that you’ll be better prepared when you arrive!
Note: This information will be updated early in the summer, so be sure to check back before arrival.
After admission, you were given instructions on how to activate a JU user account to access the invoice system (fee-paying students) and/or the accommodation application.
Note: This user account is a temporary account before registration.
About one week before the start of studies, you will receive more information by email from JU about activating your JU student account and registration.
Learn all about IT, accounts and printing at JU by watching this short video.
Learn more about Canvas, JU's online learning management system by watching this short video.
More information about our IT services at JU can be found here.
JU Mobile allows you to access your schedule through the app as well as book rooms, register for exams, see your study results, view the news, etc. You can download it on the App Store, or Google Play.
You need a JU card to access premises on campus, borrow books from the University Library, access printers, get student discounts, etc. You should order your JU card when activating your account. More information and opening hours can be found at
Your JU card will be available for pick up after you've received a confirmation email that the card is ready.
The Student Web is your resource for finding schedules, academic calendar, course syllabuses, etc.
On the first day of Introduction Week, Monday August 19th, you are expected to attend the compulsory roll call for your programme. You’ll find the location and time for your roll call when you select your programme (this will be updated early in the summer). Attending the programme roll-call is compulsory for new students. If you do not attend roll-call you risk losing your place.
Some students may have extenuating circumstances and may be prevented from attending roll call. If this is the case, and you cannot attend roll call, contact Admissions Office here and inform us before the roll call date.
Latecomers who have informed us of late arrival must visit Service Center, located on the JU campus, upon arrival in order to complete the registration process and keep their place.
Monday 19 August 12:00- 12:45, B1024 or Thursday 22 August 12:15- 13:00, JU-aulan, He102 (in School of Education and Communication)
Information about Canvas (JU's online learning management system), Wi-Fi, etc.
Wednesday 21 August 8.30-10.30, Location: JU-Aulan, He102 (in School of Education and Communication)
Information from Student Health Care, Accommodation Office, Student Union, Chaplaincy, and the Swedish Police. Information about Insurances.
Wednesday 21 August 11:00-12.00, Location: JP-Aulan, B1024 (in Jönköping International Business School)
Johan Larsson, Lecturer
What does “lagom” mean and why is the Swedish coffee break “fika” so important in Sweden? In this interactive and fun lecture, you will learn about Swedish culture and language and how history has shaped Sweden and its citizens to be the country it is today.
Thursday 22 August 8.30-10.00, Location: JU-Aulan, He102 (in School of Education and Communication)
Learn about how to succeed in your courses and what academic support services that are available to students! Important information regarding academic integrity will be shared and representatives from the library, academic resources center and student support office will give an overview of what activities and resources they offer students.
Friday 23 August 10.00-11.00, JU-Aulan, He102 (ín School of Education and Communication)
Take the chance to meet the mayor, get a free Jönköping patch and cinnamon bun! Presented by Destination Jönköping
Friday 23 August 11:00-13:00, Campus Arena
The fair offers a unique possibility for you as new as a student to touch base with representatives from Jönköping University, including Student Union Associations as well as different departments and support functions from JU. There will also be external exhibitors connected with Jönköping University and the city of Jönköping.
Sunday 25 August 13:00- 15:00, Meeting Place: outside Student's House
Sunday 25 August 15:00- 17:00, Meeting Place: outside Student's House
Don't miss this opportunity to experience Jönköping through a guided bus tour!
The Student Union is a great resource for students – they influence the quality of education, arrange activities and trips, carry out various projects, and much more. The Student Union is located in the Students’ House.
At JU, it is compulsory for all students to become members of Jönköping Student Union. The student union fee is included in the tuition for tuition-fee paying students, however, most other students are required to pay the membership fee separately. Read more and pay the fee here.
To pay for your printouts you need a PayPal account or a credit card (i.e. Visa/Mastercard. Maestro are not accepted). More info on printing here.
If you need help with general study related questions, certificates, directions, etc. There are staff at Service Center who can help guide you. More info here:
Students who are admitted to 2 year Master's programmes or 3 year Bachelor's programmes may be eligible to apply for a Swedish personal identity number (personnummer). Learn more here.
From the President of JU and the President of Jönköping Student Union
From the Dean of JIBS Pdf, 210 kB.
From the Programme Director Pdf, 124.9 kB.
Find your schedule here. External link, opens in new window. Preliminary, check your schedule regularly for updates.
International Student Guide 2024 Pdf, 8.1 MB.
Information about insurances for international students External link, opens in new window. at Jönköping University
Information about educational support External link, opens in new window. for students with disabilities
Dates for Autumn Semester 2024 External link, opens in new window.
Academic Resource Center at JU
Some key tools to succeed in your studies Pdf, 377.8 kB, opens in new window.
Welcome Letter from the Student Union Pdf, 21.2 MB.
JSA Student Guide Pdf, 28.1 MB, opens in new window.
Check our website for social activities and happenings External link, opens in new window.
New Student Jönköping University Facebook
Jönköping Student Union Facebook
International Office:
Accommodation Office: