SEK 66,6 million in research and education grants to JU

Jönköping University (JU) grants SEK 66,6 million to research and education.
The Knowledge Foundation (KK-stiftelsen) grants SEK 66.6 million to the research and educational environment SPARK at Jönköping University (JU).
“We are incredibly happy for the Knowledge Foundation's support,” says Mats Jackson, Executive Vice President at JU and programme manager for SPARK.

“This means that we see great opportunities to continue to profile ourselves in the area of knowledge-intensive product realization,” says Mats Jackson, Executive Vice President at JU and programme manager for SPARK.
The Knowledge Foundation recently granted SEK 221 million to research and education projects within the Knowledge Environments (KK-miljöerna) at Jönköping University and four other Swedish universities. Out of the total amount, SEK 66.6 million are granted to eight different research projects at JU.
“This means that we see great opportunities to continue to profile ourselves in the area of knowledge-intensive product realization,” says Mats Jackson.
The funding also means that JU can contribute knowledge and expertise to support the development of knowledge-intensive products, processes, and companies. Most of the contribution granted to JU, SEK 49.2 million, goes to the research project AFAIR at the School of Engineering (JTH) and Jönköping International Business School (JIBS).
“The investment in AFAIR gives us great opportunities to work long-term and find exciting cross-collaborations between different areas of expertise within JU at both JTH and JIBS,” says Mats Jackson.
Salem Seifeddine, Associate Dean of Research at JTH, is happy and proud of the trust from the Knowledge Foundation for the SPARK projects.
"Through this support, JTH and JU can strengthen our scientific profile and excellence to create competitive advantages for the region and nation," he says.
Listed here are the research projects at JU which have been granted money from the Knowledge Foundation:
AFAIR – Ambidexterity, Flows and AI for Competitive Responsiveness, SEK 49.2 million.
SABACE – Sustainable automated assembly for customized products, approximately SEK 4.9 million.
DigiTrans4SHC – Digital transformation through multi-sided platforms in the Swedish housing construction chain, approximately SEK 3 million.
Boost – Deputy senior lecturer in industrial construction with a focus on single-family houses and apartment buildings, approximately SEK 2.5 million.
ProForAI – Properties and formability of AI-SiCp MMC, approximately SEK 2.5 million.
OptiPro – Optimization of prosthesis design according to Kansei engineering and machine learning, approximately SEK 2.4 million.
NOVELA II – New lightweight alloy based on the high-entropy concept, approximately SEK 1.6 million.
IRAP – International Visiting Professor, approximately SEK 0.5 million.
AFAIR is a multidisciplinary initiative focusing on applied artificial intelligence (AI), which is made together with several companies.
Read more about AFAIR via this link.
Read the magazine Ny Teknik's article about AFAIR via this link (In Swedish).
The KK-environments (KK-miljöerna) are in addition to Jönköping University located at the following universities: Halmstad University, Skövde University, University West and Mid Sweden University.