Strategic Partners

Strong companies that are highly expert in research and development are a natural part of the development of our study courses and programmes and of the region’s trade and industry. We have a history of working closely and long-term with our strategic partner companies. These collaborations have given us good understanding of what will be required of tomorrow’s business operations. In turn, this knowledge is used to create benefit in all SPARK projects.

Other than our Strategic Partners we have 400+ Industrial partners in our projects. 

Our Strategic Partners

Porträttfoto av Ulrika

"Our collaboration with the university is important for building knowledge and entrepreneurship in the region. For Saab AB, it is important to develop our employees' skills and deliver products and services that are at the forefront of technology. Together with the university, we work towards the same goal - to build knowledge in the region to develop both the university and the companies."

Stefan Wärn
Director, Head of Live Training
Training and Simulation
Business Area Dynamics

Saab AB Logotyp
Andreas Rangert VP Product Management & Development, Husqvarna

“We see several benefits in SPARK: increased expertise in the region; a chance to show Husqvarna off to researchers and students; and, access to new knowledge through the projects in which we participate.”

Andreas Rangert,
Product Management and Product Development Manager


husqvarna logotyp
Porträttfoto av Emma Hallman

"Together with the other strategic partners we get the possibility to co-operate and identify areas where we can do things better together. With SPARK we gather input and receive help and support on how we should manage the development of our company."

Emma Hallman,
Industrialisation Manager



Fagerhult logotyp

"As a strategic partner, we can convey valuable research results to companies in the wood industry. We can also bring challenges from companies to academia, where new research leads to important developments. A company's challenges are often shared by others, making industry-focused research valuable for the entire sector. We act as a bridge that both retrieves and transfers knowledge, with the long-term goal of strengthening the wood industry!"

Anna Werbitsch Arnell

Portrait of Lars-Uno

”We can contribute to Jönköping University with our close contacts with business in the GGVV-region. It is important to listen to the needs of GGVV-companies and to recognise the advantages of lifelong learning and business-related research. For us, it is important to acknowledge this, so that we can help the companies to be more efficient through research. It could be about minimising production costs achieving cutting-edge positions."

Lars-Uno Åkesson,
Competence Academic Manager


Campus Värnamo logotyp

"Det finns en konstant inom bilindustrin och det är förändring. Genom det näringslivsnära samarbetet i SPARK kan vi fortsätta att ligga i framkant genom tillgäng till forskning samt rätt typ av kompetens." 

Ahmad Mansouri
Engineering Director Sweden
Kongsberg Automotive

"Det är viktigt att regionen ständigt utvecklas och att kompetensen ökar över tid. För oss är det därför viktigt att vara med och bidra till att Jönköping med omnejd fortsätter öka i attraktionsvärde när det kommer till att studera, arbeta och bo i regionen. Vi ser samverkan med JTH som en viktig del för att uppnå detta och behålla Husqvarna Groups globala konkurrenskraft".

Andreas Rangert
VP Product Management & Development, Husqvarna