573 JTH students graduated


573 JTH students graduated on 2 June.

The sun shone and the water glistened when 573 JTH students graduated on 2 June.

"It feels really good! I have many fond memories from JTH and have gained basic knowledge to work in the logistics industry," says Jacob Wallin, who has studied Logistics and Management.

Per Gessle's summer hit "Here Are All the Emotions At the Same Time" pretty well sums up graduation day, where joy and belief in the future are mixed with loss and memories. It's beautiful, big, fun and a little staggering. Sebastian Istiphan, who has studied the Networking, Infrastructure and Cyber Security programme, found it a bit surreal to graduate and that he felt like he wasn't quite done yet.

"The time at JTH has given me discipline and a broad knowledge base for my further development, he says. Therese Tufvesson is one of the first civil engineering students to graduate from JTH after five years of study, which she thought was absolutely fantastic.

"Five years is a long time, but it has gone by so quickly. I will take with me the community, all the contacts but above all all the memories," she says.
