Students met 14 companies at architecture fair at JTH

Studenter på JTH.

Kajsa Kjellman, Ebba Stillman, Philip Sahlstrand och Willmer Johansson som läser byggnadsteknik och arkitektur på Tekniska Högskolan (JTH) var några av besökarna till arkitekturmässan i galleriet på JTH.

About 70 Architectural Engineering students at the School of Engineering (JTH) at Jönköping University (JU) met 14 companies in the construction industry during an architecture fair at JTH on 18 January. The companies displayed their products and presented themselves as possible future employers to the students. The fair was organized by the Academy of Architecture (Arkitektakademin) and took place at a school for the first time.

BG Byggros, which works with green roofs, support structures and water art, among other things, was one of the exhibitors.

"We want to spread knowledge about our products and hope that some of these students eventually sit on a construction project and suddenly comes to mind a product which they saw at this fair. Then there is always on the agenda for us to find the right staff and students with this education (Architectural Engineering) suit us very well, says Jonas Määttä, technical consultant at BG Byggros.

An insight into companies and professions

The students' task was to collect information about various building materials for a course project about the conversion of a house into a school. At the same time, they got the chance to mingle with companies and broaden their contact networks. The JTH student Ebba Stillman thought it was great fun to get an insight into which companies and professions exist in the construction industry.

"Sometimes it is difficult to distinguish all the different parts and what kind of companies are involved in building a house, and it is fun to learn more about it in this way," says Ebba Stillman. To encourage mingling, the 14 companies had each had to prepare a question for the students, which they had to answer in order to complete a tips walk at the fair.

"Especially interesting for us"

"This is a great way for us to learn more from people who work with different orientations and materials in the construction industry. Many also told us about their studies and careers, which is particularly interesting for us who graduate this semester, says the JTH student Willmer Johansson.

"This gives inspiration and opens up a greater perspective on what you can work with later, says Ebba Stillman.

Mårten Lundell, who runs the Academy of Architecture, met last year Geza Fischl, course manager and Senior Lecturer Architecture at JTH, who thought they should come to JTH, and so happened.

"Tomorrow's Constructors"

"The companies like to tell students about their products because they are tomorrow's designers and customers. Their purpose in a longer perspective is to sell their products, but they also exist to help their customers choose good materials and make good solutions," says Mårten Lundell. He thought that the architecture fair was a successful event at JTH and heard from the companies that the students asked them many good questions.
