CEnSE day was held on 1st December
On Wednesday, December 1st, we had a CEnSE day with a focus on how to communicate research to external stakeholders and to the society.
On Wednesday we hosted CEnSE day and Workshop on the topic of how to communicate research to external stakeholders and to the society. Thank you to all participants and guests. Special thanks to our keynote speakers Mikael Elinder who is one of the Editors for Ekonomisk debatt , Anna Iversen journalist and manager for a production company producing material for different media outlets, mainly radio such as the Swedish radio and Tove Lifvendahl, experinced journalist and is an editor in chief at one of the largest newspapers in Sweden: Svenska Dagbladet (SvD) for very inspirational lectures. Thanks to professor Charlotta Mellander and Daniel Ekman for presenting Vertikals.