Ownership in Sweden- during and after the marriage
Read about the latest report from Ownershift https://www.ownershift.se where they have mapped out what ownership in Sweden looks like between men and women during a marriage and what happens after a divorce.
Researcher Anna Nordén and doctoral student Erwan Dujeancourt from JIBS and CEnSE have been involved in producing statistics and writing the report. The report and its content have also been highlighted in various media: https://sverigesradio.se/play/avsnitt/1880754 (listen 11: 00-15: 40 and 22: 25-25: 46) and https://www.sydsvenskan.se/2022-02-14/rapport-nod-eller-lust-spelar-ingen-roll--man-ager-mest-efter-skilsmassa. It is interesting to note the large regional differences that exist in Sweden regarding gender equality in ownership of property value between men and women in same-sex marriages at the municipal level in 2019.