Congratulations to CEnSE members Johannes Hagen and Andrea Schneider, who are part of a research program that was recently awarded SEK 23,980,000 by FORTE

The project is led by Associate Professor Lisa Laun, IFAU, and gathers 16 researchers in Economics and Political Science from Uppsala University, IFAU, Stockholm University, and Jönköping University. The project will run over 7 years starting in July 2023.


The purpose of this program is to provide new and policy-relevant knowledge about how different designs of the social insurance systems impact individual and societal outcomes of relevance for fulfilling the 2030 Agenda goals for socially and economically sustainable development. The key novelty of the program is that it broadens the analytic approach of most previous research in two parallel ways. First, it widens the scope of outcomes to comprise not only employment outcomes but also work conditions, poverty, health, and well-being, and not only for the individual at risk but also for family members and the society at large. Second, it takes to heart the fact that the income security and the incentives individuals face are increasingly determined also by their access to the complementary pillars of the insurance system. A key contribution is to provide comprehensive and up-to-date data on complementary insurances and their beneficiaries and to analyze their role in the Swedish welfare system.

JU researchers Johannes Hagen and Andrea Schneider are in charge of the part of the project that focuses on complementary occupational pensions. They will collect new data on occupational pension wealth and will empirically analyze the role of these pensions in shaping retirement behavior.
