Research projects
Superalloys are good candidates for elevated temperature applications. Nevertheless, their mechanical and microstructural stability at elevated temper...
EXTREME is funded by Vinnova within LIGHTer is about development and industrialization of high performing aluminium components in extreme environments...
Foundry Master
The Swedish Foundry Association, Jönköping University and RISE Swecast made a joint venture to strengthen and develop the Swedish foundry industry in ...
MACS aims to develop MMC (Metal Matrix Composite) for high performance aluminium components. Focus will be on Al-SiCp where silicon carbide particles ...
In ODISSEE2, the researchers are establishing new methods to develop more robust and weight-efficient castings by integrating different simulation too...
ReOPTIC is a research project funded by Vinnova within LIGHTer, which deals with geometry OPTImization of Cast components for weight efficient structu...
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