The Master programmes were shown at JTH

Alice Angerfelt, Nia Tidholm and Lovisa Josefsson all visited the Master Day in the gallery at JTH. They thought it was good to get information about the school's master's programmes directly from students studying the educations.
The School of Engineering (JTH) at Jönköping University (JU) presented its master's programs on 15 January in the gallery at JTH. Programme managers, teachers and students were on hand to answer questions about the programmes.
"I think that a master's degree makes you more attractive to companies," says Alice Angerfelt, who is studying the third year of Architectural Engineering at JTH.
Alice Angerfelt was at Master Day at JTH with her classmates Lovisa Josefsson and Nia Tidholm and they are all interested in studying the Master's program Sustainable Building Information Management at JTH.
"Feels like the future"
"You specify yourself on sustainable processes such as BIM (Building Information Modeling) with this master's program and it feels like the future," says Nia Tidholm.
"It is current topics and also fun with project management and coordination of different parts," says Lovisa Josefsson.
Alice thinks it is a plus that they already know JTH and that it is good to study a master's programme when the labor market is slowing down to sharpen your skills and CV further.
"Demanded by the business community"
Patrik Cannmo, Associate Dean of Education at JTH, emphasizes that a master's degree provides increased opportunities for more advanced and interesting jobs.
"Our master's programmes are in areas that are in demand by the business community, and we update them with the help of industry councils so that they are always at the forefront. The conditions for an international career are also strengthened as all master's programmes are given entirely in English," says Patrik Cannmo.