Margareta Lindström

PhD student at the School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University and at the Department of Pedagogical Work, University of Borås.

I am a certified preschool teacher and I have worked in preschool for 17 years. I mainly worked with children aged 3-6 years, and equal treatment and teaching in preschool are issues that have always been close to my heart. After taking some independent courses, for instance in equal treatment, documentation and picturebooks in preschool, I wanted to invest more wholeheartedly in my studies, which led to a master's degree in pedagogical work with a focus on younger children's learning at Linköping University.

My research interest concerns the use of picturebooks in preschool. Storytelling and reading literature for children have historically had an important place in preschool, and reading different kinds of literature, preferably picturebooks, in different contexts and in different ways is still a common, recurring feature. My interest concerns both the content of the picturebooks - what is read and how these books are selected and what interaction takes place between the children and the adults during the reading. I am also interested in how the design of literature activities affects interactions and children's meaning-making. An increased knowledge about this can contribute to the development of how teachers can create opportunities for an increased understanding of language, culture and literacy for preschool children.

Porträtt Alexander Brauer