Seminar series ExLaLE
ExLaLE (Exploring Language and Literature in Education) is an interdisciplinary seminar series dedicated to research in the intersection of the broad disciplinary fields of language, literature and education. ExLaLE aims to be a platform for junior scholars and is managed by doctoral students of the national research school CuEEd-LL.
Next seminar
Dr Emma Nilsson Tysklind – Dissent and Harmonies: On Literature Education, Democracy and Agonism
April 25, 14.00-15.30 CET
Flyer (PDF) Pdf, 886.4 kB, opens in new window.
Dr Emma Nilsson Tysklind holds a PhD in Curriculum Studies (Didaktik) from the Uppsala University, where she now works as a lecturer at the Department of Education. She teaches Swedish and other various courses at all levels of the Teacher Training Programmes.
At the seminar, Emma Nilsson Tysklind will present her doctoral thesis entitled Dissent and Harmonies: On Literature Education, Democracy and Agonism. The thesis centres on the relationship between literature education and democracy, and explores this relationship both theoretically and empirically in two upper secondary classrooms. Central to the thesis is Chantal Mouffe’s agonistic political theory, as well as Masschelein and Simons’ educational theory on school as ‘free time’. From different angles, the literature classroom is explored as a political space in itself, rather than as a place that fosters for future democratic participation.
Further reading
Nilsson Tysklind, E. (2024). Dissent and Harmonies: On Literature Education, Democracy and Agonism [Uppsala University].
Tysklind, E. N., Areskoug, L., & Hultin, E. (2024). Agonism in a Classroom Discussion on Strindberg’s Miss Julie. Democracy and Education, 32(1), Article 1.
Tysklind, E. N., Areskoug, L., & Hultin, E. (2024). Political emotions in a literature classroom. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 1–18.
Tysklind, E. N., & Tryggvason, Á. (2025). Politicised or Political: On Agonism and School as ‘Free Time’. Studies in Philosophy and Education.
Completed seminars
Spring 2025
Sepandarmaz Mashreghi – Participatory arts-based approaches to decolonial sports sciences
February 28, 13:00–15:00 UTC+01:00
Dr. Sepandarmaz Mashreghi holds a PhD in social sciences and humanities with a specialisation in sports sciences from Malmö University and works as a lecturer at department of sports sciences in the same university. She instructs in gender, migration and research methodologies in relation to sports and exercise studies. Her research areas include migration, art-based research, decolonial thought and Indigenous methodologies.
This seminar will revolve around Sepand’s dissertation project in which she explored how Afghan youth in Sweden navigate, experience, challenge and recreate spaces of physical activity and sports; and how the youth generate knowledge and meanings within these spaces. Grounded in decolonial thought and drawing from Indigenous, Black and Brown feminist theories, she used participatory art-based approach to generate material and conduct this research. In this seminar, she will also elaborate on the role of creative language and writing in doing decolonial work within the academy.
For those who wish to read more:
Mashreghi, S. (2023). Gesturing Towards Decolonial Openings: Sports and Poetry. In: McGowan, L., Symons, K. (eds) Intersections of Sport and Society in Creative Writing. Springer, Singapore.
Mashreghi, S. (2022). Decolonial stories of forced migrants in physical activity and sport, we the Afghan kids, in N. De Martini Ugolotti & J. Caudwell (Eds) Leisure and forced migration: Lives lived in asylum systems (pp. 157-175). Routledge
Autumn 2024
Ellinor Skaremyr – Social sustainability and equal education
November 22, 14:00–15:30 UTC+01:00
Dr. Ellinor Skaremyr holds a Phd in educational work with a focus on language didactics in preschool. Her research encompasses linguistic and cultural diversity, religion and worldviews, and educational equity, to name a few. Ellinor works as a senior lecturer at the Department of Educational Work at the University of Borås, where she mainly teaches multilingualism and interculturality at the university's teacher education programs.
Social sustainability and equal education will be the focus of the seminar. Ellinors presentation will handle different parts of her research, from her thesis to more recent studies on religion in relation to early childhood education (policy, practice and teacher training), multilingualism and multiculturalism in picture books, among others.
For those who wish to read more:
- Encountering speech communities: Minority language children in the Swedish preschool context
External link, opens in new window.
- Newly arrived children’s encounters with the cultural community of preschool
- (Re)thinking children’s picturebooks as the mirror of contemporary society
External link, opens in new window.
- Discursive Norms and Incentives for Equipping Students with Religion and Worldview Literacy in Swedish Preschool Teacher Education Policy
- Caring for Worldviews in Early Childhood Education: Theoretical and Analytical Tool for Socially Sustainable Communities of Care
Andreas Nouttaniemi – The limits of multilingualism: Language didactics on (un)equal grounds in the age of migration
The limits of multilingualism: Language didactics on (un)equal grounds in the age of migration
Flyer: ExLaLe – Andreas Nouttaniemi Opens in new window.
His PhD project was about a group of young people who are trying to take their place as legitimate speakers of Swedish in a small inland community in northern
27 September, 14:00–16:00
Henriikka Wilinger – Becoming a person who reads in Swedish? Fiction reading practices of highly educated multilingual adults
Becoming a person who reads in Swedish? Fiction reading practices of highly educated multilingual adults.
22nd of March 14.00-16.00
Flyer - ExLaLe- Wilinger Opens in new window.
Dr. Henriikka Wilinger holds a PhD in Swedish with a didactical orientation and works as associate senior lecturer at CAKL, Centre of Academic Learning, at Malmö University. She instructs in Swedish as a second language and in higher education studies, and her research areas include multilingualism, sociology of language, and literature didactics.
The seminar will revolve around Henriikka's dissertation project External link, opens in new window., which explores how and why adult migrants with academic backgrounds read literature. Two connected studies investigate second language learners' fiction reading practices in an advanced Swedish course at two universities, as well as in free time, several years after such a course. The method is qualitative, and the data consists of syllabuses, observations of an oral exam, as well as interviews with teachers, students, and multilingual individuals living in Sweden permanently. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the thesis, the data is analyzed with a broad variety of theoretical tools, based on three cornerstones: literary education, second language learning and sociolinguistics.
Jonas Yassin Iversen – Polycentricity in heritage language education: Insights from Sámi and Finnish
Polycentricity in heritage language education: Insights from Sámi and Finnish.
Flyer ExLaLe Jonas Iversen Opens in new window.
Presenting this topic is Dr. Jonas Yassin Iversen, who holds a PhD in education from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the same institution. His research interests include minoritised language education, multilingual education, and multilingualism in teacher education. The seminar will discuss the following:
Research from heritage language (HL) education in Scandinavia has found that this form of education constitutes a transnational space where teachers and students negotiate complex relations between competing imaginations of the homeland, diverse diaspora communities across the globe and their current locality (Daugaard, 2020; Straszer et al., 2020). Thus, HL education entails a wide range of competing centres the teacher can reference (e.g. Blommaert, 2010). The teacher can choose to teach the HL with reference to a particular ‘imagined homeland’ or towards an ‘imagined locality’, meaning the teacher’s perception of the students’ current locations, or anywhere on this continuum. In a diasporic context, teachers and students may also experience a sense of peripherality in relation to the imagined centre. This might lead some students to orient towards other centres than their teacher. In this presentation, I discuss how two Sámi HL teachers in Norway and one Finnish HL teacher in Sweden navigated this complexity through their HL teaching.
23 feb 14:00-15:30
Join us via Zoom:
Semeneh Ayalew Asfaw – Schooling vs. education: The making of a revolutionary subjectivity in postwar Ethiopia
Welcome everyone to the first ExLaLe Seminar, part of the ExLaLe Seminar Series organized by the CuEEd-LL PhD students!
We hope you can join the ExLaLe seminar next Friday, January 26th, 14:00-16:00 CET, for a discussion with Semeneh Ayalew Asfaw on
Schooling vs. Education: the making of rebellious subjects in postwar Ethiopia
His talk will focus on how university students in Addis Ababa, and Addis Ababans generally, in the postwar period reshaped the "hegemonic" discourses they received from state-affiliated institutions (the university, the theater and the like) to form a rebellious cultural and political subjectivity that paved the way for the Ethiopian Revolution of 1974. This historical understanding of the Ethiopian Revolution encourages us to view education, self making, and cultural formation as processes involving a complex interplay between subject formation from above (for example, the imperial state and its institutions) and from below (students, urban dwellers and the general citizenry). It also encourages us to view discourses and practices associated with modernity as being contested and as being informed not just by the ideas and interests of a ruling clique but also by the ideas and interests of the ruled, often with transformative and unexpected consequences.
Chair: Tesfaye Ayele, PhD student in the CuEEd-LL research graduate school
For any questions, contact:
Find more information on the seminar here.
See a flyer about the seminar here. Pdf, 304.4 kB, opens in new window.
Spring 2024
Henriikka Wilinger – Becoming a person who reads in Swedish? Fiction reading practices of highly educated multilingual adults
Becoming a person who reads in Swedish? Fiction reading practices of highly educated multilingual adults.
22nd of March 14.00-16.00
Flyer - ExLaLe- Wilinger Opens in new window.
Dr. Henriikka Wilinger holds a PhD in Swedish with a didactical orientation and works as associate senior lecturer at CAKL, Centre of Academic Learning, at Malmö University. She instructs in Swedish as a second language and in higher education studies, and her research areas include multilingualism, sociology of language, and literature didactics.
The seminar will revolve around Henriikka's dissertation project External link, opens in new window., which explores how and why adult migrants with academic backgrounds read literature. Two connected studies investigate second language learners' fiction reading practices in an advanced Swedish course at two universities, as well as in free time, several years after such a course. The method is qualitative, and the data consists of syllabuses, observations of an oral exam, as well as interviews with teachers, students, and multilingual individuals living in Sweden permanently. Due to the interdisciplinary nature of the thesis, the data is analyzed with a broad variety of theoretical tools, based on three cornerstones: literary education, second language learning and sociolinguistics.
Jonas Yassin Iversen – Polycentricity in heritage language education: Insights from Sámi and Finnish
Polycentricity in heritage language education: Insights from Sámi and Finnish.
Flyer ExLaLe Jonas Iversen Opens in new window.
Presenting this topic is Dr. Jonas Yassin Iversen, who holds a PhD in education from Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. He is currently a postdoctoral research fellow at the same institution. His research interests include minoritised language education, multilingual education, and multilingualism in teacher education. The seminar will discuss the following:
Research from heritage language (HL) education in Scandinavia has found that this form of education constitutes a transnational space where teachers and students negotiate complex relations between competing imaginations of the homeland, diverse diaspora communities across the globe and their current locality (Daugaard, 2020; Straszer et al., 2020). Thus, HL education entails a wide range of competing centres the teacher can reference (e.g. Blommaert, 2010). The teacher can choose to teach the HL with reference to a particular ‘imagined homeland’ or towards an ‘imagined locality’, meaning the teacher’s perception of the students’ current locations, or anywhere on this continuum. In a diasporic context, teachers and students may also experience a sense of peripherality in relation to the imagined centre. This might lead some students to orient towards other centres than their teacher. In this presentation, I discuss how two Sámi HL teachers in Norway and one Finnish HL teacher in Sweden navigated this complexity through their HL teaching.
23 feb 14:00-15:30
Join us via Zoom:
Semeneh Ayalew Asfaw – Schooling vs. education: The making of a revolutionary subjectivity in postwar Ethiopia
Welcome everyone to the first ExLaLe Seminar, part of the ExLaLe Seminar Series organized by the CuEEd-LL PhD students!
We hope you can join the ExLaLe seminar next Friday, January 26th, 14:00-16:00 CET, for a discussion with Semeneh Ayalew Asfaw on
Schooling vs. Education: the making of rebellious subjects in postwar Ethiopia
His talk will focus on how university students in Addis Ababa, and Addis Ababans generally, in the postwar period reshaped the "hegemonic" discourses they received from state-affiliated institutions (the university, the theater and the like) to form a rebellious cultural and political subjectivity that paved the way for the Ethiopian Revolution of 1974. This historical understanding of the Ethiopian Revolution encourages us to view education, self making, and cultural formation as processes involving a complex interplay between subject formation from above (for example, the imperial state and its institutions) and from below (students, urban dwellers and the general citizenry). It also encourages us to view discourses and practices associated with modernity as being contested and as being informed not just by the ideas and interests of a ruling clique but also by the ideas and interests of the ruled, often with transformative and unexpected consequences.
Chair: Tesfaye Ayele, PhD student in the CuEEd-LL research graduate school
For any questions, contact:
Find more information on the seminar here.
See a flyer about the seminar here. Pdf, 304.4 kB, opens in new window.