• Ylva Lindberg

    Ylva Lindberg

    Professor of Education (Language and Literature Didactics), School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University.
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    I am the leader of the national research school CuEEd-LL - Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature, which includes five universities. In my research, I have combined modern languages, specifically French, with literary studies. In this intersection, I have studied how French-language literature circulates in the world. A particular focus has been on sub-Saharan literature and the spread and reception of French-language comics.

    I sit on the board of the consortium GRADE, which is a multidisciplinary forum, has a research focus on digitization and learning, and runs three national research schools in the area. I am currently participating in the project Ethics & Values ​​in Data-Driven Educational Practices and co-editor of the forthcoming anthology Framing Futures (Springer 2024). I sing in the band the Expats whenever possible.

  • Maria Bäcke

    Maria Bäcke

    Assistant Professor of General Literary Studies, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University.
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    Maria Bäcke currently holds positions as programme director for the master's programme LeaDS, as leader for the research environment CCD (www.ju.se/ccd) and as co-supervisor for Asia Della Rossa. Her PhD thesis (Power Games: Rules and Roles in Second Life, 2011), written in the field of TechnoScience, focuses on power, hierarchies, and roles in online role-play groups. Her current research studies structures of ownership, power, authority, and subversion as well as digitalisation in school and in fiction as well as non-fiction, merging the fields of digitalisation, education, and cultural studies. She studies the processes behind the selection of EdTech for students. A related area of interest is students' use of the same tools in schools, at leisure centres, and in municipal adult education, drawing on issues of power and subversion in "Big Data," i.e. data ownership and data mining/harvesting.

  • Bild på Christina Hedman

    Christina Hedman

    PhD, professor of Swedish as a Second Language, Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University
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    Christina Hedman holds a position as full Professor of Swedish as a second language at the Department of Teaching and Learning, Stockholm University, Sweden. Drawing from critical sociolinguistics, her research centers on multilingual language learning from educational and critical perspectives.

    A research focus has been on the language, literacy and literary educational provisions aimed at students with migration backgrounds in Sweden, such as Swedish as a Second Language, Language Introduction, and Mother Tongue Instruction. Recent research projects include, amidst other, a collaborative project on Critical Multilingual Language Awareness among migrant adolescents (SU–Cambridge Collaborative Research Grants Scheme); Visual Resources in Language Teaching for Adults (the Swedish Institute for Educational Research); Children with Migration Background in Schools for Students with Intellectual Disability: A New Research Field (the Swedish Research Council), and Reinterrogating Language Education in Adulthood through the Lens of Critical Sociolinguistics and Disability Studies (the Swedish Research Council). In the latter projects, critical sociolinguistics and language educational perspectives intersect with critical disability studies. This research is also informed by Linguistic Ethnography. In CUEEd-LL, Christina co-supervises one of the PhD students.

  • Bild på Carina Hermansson

    Carina Hermansson

    Professor in Language Teaching and Learning (språkdidaktik), University of Borås
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    My main research interests are in the field of Language Teaching and Learning with a particular focus on literacy, writing and participation. Often my research is ethnographically inspired, particularly using theoretical perspectives where languaging is studied as social and cultural practices and where opportunities for learning are related to questions of power.

    I participate in QuEEd-LL as supervisor to Margareta Lindström.

  • Magnus Persson

    Magnus Persson

    Professor in Literature and Education at Malmö university.
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    My research interests are literature didactics, cultural studies, and (auto)ethnography. I have in various projects investigated ideas about the values of literature in school, libraries, and a number of other arenas such as book clubs, literature festivals, and in fiction itself. I currently work with a larger project about passionate reading, and with a project funded by the Swedish Research Council called The Fiction of numbers. How reading is made a public and didactic problem (2022–2024). During many years I was the director of the post graduate school in Languages and Literature in Education (SMDI/SLDI). I have been the director of the national phd-school Language and Literature Didactics in the Media Landscape, a visiting professor at Karlstad university, and was in 2022 appointed by the Swedish government to become a member of the Reading Council.

  • Anna Nordenstam

    Anna Nordenstam

    Professor, Department of Literature, History of Ideas, and Religion
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    Nordenstam's research is in literature didactics, especially literature reading in preschool up to upper secondary school and with participating teachers. She is also working on several research projects on feminist comics, fanzines, and children's and youth literature. She is an editorial board member of the Nordic Journal of Childlit Aesthetics. Nordenstam is particularly interested in issues about gender, class, age, ethnicity/race, etcetera.

    In the CUEDD-LL research school, she is Terese Kerstinsdotter's main supervisor.

  • Lotta Olvegård

    Charlotta Olvegård

    Senior Lecturer, University of Gothenburg
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    Senior lecturer in Swedish as a second language at the Departement of Swedish, Multilingulism, Language Technology, University of Gothenburg. She has a background as a teacher in Swedish as a second language. Her research interests include texts and languages in school settings and teaching and learning in multilingual classrooms. I participate in CuEEd-LL as a supervisor to Björn Hagström.

    https://www.gu.se/om-universitetet/hitta-person/charlottaolvegard External link, opens in new window.

  • Marie Rydenvald

    Marie Rydenvald

    Senior Lecturer in Swedish as a second language and Director of Studies for Teacher Education in Swedish as a second language at the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg.
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    Marie Rydenvald is a Senior Lecturer in Swedish as a second language and Director of Studies for Teacher Education in Swedish as a second language at the Department of Swedish, Multilingualism, Language Technology at the University of Gothenburg. Her research interests include multilingual language use, identity, multilingualism in international and national education. I am the head supervisor of Nicolas Femia.

  • Linus Salö

    Linus Salö

    Scholar of the sociolinguistics of multilingualism. He is currently Professor at the Centre for Research on Bilingualism, Stockholm University.
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    Broadly, his research interests include multilingualism in society, language policy and language ideologies. Examples of recent knowledge interests are Sweden’s national minority languages, mother tongue instruction and assimilatory language policies historically directed against the Meänkieli speaking linguistic minority in the Swedish far-north. Another salient research interest is science per se. Salö has conducted research on the sociolinguistics, sociology and history of science. His recent work has dealt with science–society interaction, with an eye toward foregrounding the societal value and knowledge effects of the human sciences in Sweden. Salö is affiliated with research environments at Uppsala University and KTH Royal Institute of Technology. Since 2020, he is Stockholm University’s representative in the think tank Humtank.

  • Anette Svensson

    Anette Svensson

    Senior Lecturer English with a focus on literary didactics, Malmö University and Jönköping University
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    I am Associate Professor in The Teaching and Learning of Literature. I have a teaching degree in English and Swedish and have worked as an upper secondary school teacher in the state-governed school system including adult education and in an independent adult education college. I have a PhD in English literature from Umeå University. My dissertation, A Translation of Worlds: Aspects of Cultural Translation in Australian Migration Literature, focuses on how cultural phenomena are translated from a source to a target culture.

    My current research is primarily situated in the field of literature education, centering on research on text universes as well as stories in various aesthetic and medial forms of expression and their function in an educational context. My research projects are predominantly practice-based and focus on primary, secondary, and tertiary level of education.

    I participate in CuEEd-LL as supervisor to Björn Bradling

  • Bild på Joakim Wrethed

    Joakim Wrethed

    Associate Professor [Docent], Stockholm University
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    I have a teacher education and have also worked with higher education pedagogy and didactics at Stockholm University. I am a lecturer at the university since 2006 and have been involved with teacher education in various capacities since then. Among other things, I have published “Cancel Culture and The Trope of the Scapegoat: A Girardian Defence of the Importance of Contemplative Reading” [Contagion: Journal of Violence, Mimesis, and Culture, vol. 29, 2022, Michigan State University Press] and “John Williams’ Stoner and Literature as Dark Matter in the Age of Educational Managerialism” [HJEAS, Vol. 25, Nr. 1, 2019: 151–60]. These articles address education topics and concerns. I am interested in academic areas such as ‘education and power’ and I consider myself to be a defender of Bildung, regardless of where the threat towards it comes from. In CuEEd-LL, I am engaged as a co-supervisor.

  • Anna Wärnsby

    Anna Wärnsby

    Associate Professor in English.
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    Anna Wärnsby, PhD, is an Associate Professor in English. Her current research focus is on academic literacy, academic writing, situated orality, assessment, English subject didactics, and linguistics. She is a board member of the CuEEd-LL Research school and one of the guest editors for the coming special issue of EDUCARE, “Culture on the Move: Towards Empowering Learners through Language and Literature” (https://ju.se/center/cueed-ll/en/activities/2022-08-16-call-for-papers-culture-on-the-move.html).

  • Sylvi Vigmo

    Universitetslektor, Göteborgs universitet
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  • Catrin Lundström

    Catrin Lundström

    Associate Professor of Sociology and Assistant Professor of Ethnicity and Migration, Linköping University.
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    I am Associate Professor of Sociology and Assistant Professor of Ethnicity and Migration at the Institute for Research on Ethnicity, Migration and Society (REMESO) at Linköping University. I have also taught and lectured at a number of national and international universities and been a visiting scholar at the University of Arizona, Tucson and the University of California, Santa Barbara. My research focuses on critical race and whiteness studies, transnational migration, and contemporary Swedish history.

    Within the framework of CuEEd-LL, I am co-supervising Asia Della Rosa.

  • Martin Malmström

    Martin Malmström

    Associate Professor in Educational Science at Malmö University
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    My research concerns language and literature in a broad sense. Among other things, I have been interested in school crises, with a particular focus on writing crises, the linguistic practices of the market school, the phenomenon of practice-based research and creative writing. I have a background as a teacher of Swedish and English and currently teach on the Swedish teacher education program.

    Within CuEED-LL, I am co-supervising Alexander Brauer.