Maria Bäcke

Assistant Professor of General Literary Studies, School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University.

Maria Bäcke currently holds positions as programme director for the master's programme LeaDS, as leader for the research environment CCD ( and as co-supervisor for Asia Della Rossa. Her PhD thesis (Power Games: Rules and Roles in Second Life, 2011), written in the field of TechnoScience, focuses on power, hierarchies, and roles in online role-play groups. Her current research studies structures of ownership, power, authority, and subversion as well as digitalisation in school and in fiction as well as non-fiction, merging the fields of digitalisation, education, and cultural studies. She studies the processes behind the selection of EdTech for students. A related area of interest is students' use of the same tools in schools, at leisure centres, and in municipal adult education, drawing on issues of power and subversion in "Big Data," i.e. data ownership and data mining/harvesting.

Maria Bäcke