Anette Svensson
Senior Lecturer English with a focus on literary didactics, Malmö University and Jönköping University
I am Associate Professor in The Teaching and Learning of Literature. I have a teaching degree in English and Swedish and have worked as an upper secondary school teacher in the state-governed school system including adult education and in an independent adult education college. I have a PhD in English literature from Umeå University. My dissertation, A Translation of Worlds: Aspects of Cultural Translation in Australian Migration Literature, focuses on how cultural phenomena are translated from a source to a target culture.
My current research is primarily situated in the field of literature education, centering on research on text universes as well as stories in various aesthetic and medial forms of expression and their function in an educational context. My research projects are predominantly practice-based and focus on primary, secondary, and tertiary level of education.
I participate in CuEEd-LL as supervisor to Björn Bradling