Ylva Lindberg

Professor of Education (Language and Literature Didactics), School of Education and Communication, Jönköping University.

I am the leader of the national research school CuEEd-LL - Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature, which includes five universities. In my research, I have combined modern languages, specifically French, with literary studies. In this intersection, I have studied how French-language literature circulates in the world. A particular focus has been on sub-Saharan literature and the spread and reception of French-language comics.

I sit on the board of the consortium GRADE, which is a multidisciplinary forum, has a research focus on digitization and learning, and runs three national research schools in the area. I am currently participating in the project Ethics & Values ​​in Data-Driven Educational Practices and co-editor of the forthcoming anthology Framing Futures (Springer 2024). I sing in the band the Expats whenever possible.

Ylva Lindberg