Kick Off 28 - 29 mars

Kick-off for a new research school that will strengthen teacher education

On March 28-29, a kick-off was held at the Spira culture house in Jönköping for the national research school Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature (CuEEd-LL). About thirty participants, both researchers and doctoral students, from several different countries participated in the Kick-off.

"By meeting across disciplinary boundaries, we will investigate what culturally enabling teaching is and could be in today's educational landscape. The graduate school will support teacher education and contribute with tools so that language and literature can be used to strengthen both teachers and students in taking part and being in different cultural contexts," says Ylva Lindberg.

Key-note spearkers were Lynda Spencer from Rhodes University, South Africa and Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil - both members of the international advisory board of CuEEd-LL.

During the two days, a number of seminars were held, as well as presentations of the thirteen admitted doctoral students who will begin their doctoral studies in the spring of 2022.

The graduate school aims to build research capacity among teacher educators, to prepare the next generation of teachers to educate for the diversity of the Swedish school - and to improve teacher education and teaching in the school with regard to language and literature.

"Although language and literature are to be understood as subjects in their own right, they constitute fundamental resources for teaching, learning and cultural understanding on an overall level. Through the doctoral projects in CuEEd-LL, didactic methods will be developed for how both language and literature can support literacy abilities and values in today's digitalized Swedish education," says Ylva Lindberg.

The CuEEd-LL graduate school received almost SEK 39 million in fundings over a four-year period from the Swedish Research Council. It is led by Jönköping University in collaboration with the University of Gothenburg, Stockholm University, University of Borås and Malmö University.



Informal breakfast meeting CuEEd-LL board at Vox Hotel External link, opens in new window.


Free time/reception of doctoral students including fika at Vox Hotel


Lunch (arrival all participants) at Spira External link, opens in new window.


Opening speech – Ylva Lindberg, JU


Welcome note – Agneta Marell, President of Jönköping University


Inaugural speech: "Unlearning to Learn. On becoming unconventionally curious about (this thing called) language" – Sangeeta Bagga-Gupta, JU (45 min 15 min questions) Chair: Anna Wärnsby (CuEEd-LL board, MAU)


Coffee break at Spira


Keynote – Lynda Spencer, CuEEd-LL advisory board (45 min 15 min questions) Chair: Anna Wärnsby (CuEEd-LL board, MAU)


Presentation round – doctoral students (maximum 9 minutes for each research plan) Chair: Elmaziye Ösgür (Eastern Mediterranean University, Northern Cyprus, guest researcher at JU)


Coffee break at Spira


Group discussions with the CuEEd-LL board


Dinner at Vox Hotel


Breakfast at Vox Hotel


Text theoretical seminars on cultural empowering education (Course 1: Culturally Empowering Education for a Global 21st Century. Research and Practice. Anna Nordenstam – GU, Magnus Persson – MaU, and Ylva Lindberg – JU. See Studyguide)


Coffee break at Spira


Intersections between language and literature – Stefan Helgesson – SU, and Ylva Lindberg – JU (45 min 15 min questions)


Lunch at Spira


Keynote – Lynn Mario Menezes de Souza, CuEEd-LL advisory board (45 min 15 min questions)

Chair: Maria Bäcke (Communication, Culture, and Diversity - CCD research milieu, JU)


Coffee break at Spira


Summary and looking ahead – Tommaso Milani – GU, and
Linus Salö – SU



Keynote speakers

  • Lynda

    Lynda Gichanda Spencer

    Rhodes University
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    Lynda Gichanda Spencer, Rhodes University

    Title: “Walk like the chameleon”: Reflecting on my teaching journey at a South African University.

    Short abstract: In this talk, I will reflect on teaching literature at Rhodes University. In reflecting on my teaching memoir, I realise that I may have thought that I stumbled into academia, but I no longer consider myself an “accidental academic”. My teaching journey has been a learning expedition. It has been a challenging, but rewarding experience that has and continues to enrich me as a black African female academic in South Africa. I will begin by briefly contextualising higher education in the world, South Africa and Rhodes University, before I situate myself and my discipline.


  • Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza

    Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza

    Universidade de São Paulo
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    Lynn Mario T. Menezes de Souza, Universidade de São Paulo

    Title: “Southern Conceptions of Language and Languaging: between epistemic racism, intercultural translation and cosmopolitics”

    Short abstract: Though the “South” in recent counter-colonial theorizing refers to the epistemic (and not necessarily geographic) construction of global knowledges as “Northern” and mainstream and “southern” (small ‘s’) as peripheral and not-so-academic, it can also refer to the possibility of looking at language from the bottom upwards as contextualized practice (languaging), focusing on users’ knowledges, rather than as an abstract top-down conception of named, contextually independent, defined ‘languages’. In this presentation, I will focus on how concerns change when language is seen “from the south”. The common linguistic expectations of accuracy, fluency and competence may be substituted by more ethical and even political issues such as interlocutors’ positionalities, dealing with gaps in commonalities, frustration, lack of mutual intelligibility etc. The talk will look at how do these intersect with universalized and standardized notions such as language, literature and culture.

