The CCD seminar series consists of four different strands:

Please note that all times are CET (Central European Time) or, in 2025 between March 30 and October 26, CEST (Central European Summer Time).

  1. The CCD international seminars of relevance for communication, culture and diversity (always in English)
  2. The CCD working papers seminars (in English or Swedish)
  3. The DoIT seminars (DoIT - Delaktighet och Inkludering Tankesmedja [the Participation and Inclusion Think Tank], most often in Swedish)


21 March, 01:00-03:00 p.m - CANCELLED!

CCD working papers seminar

CCD members share insights into their ongoing research projects.


25 April, 01:00-03:00 pm

Brainstorming seminar
Hc229 and zoom:

CCD members discuss common themes that could lead to cross-disciplinary grant applications.


16 May, 01:30-03.00 p.m

CCD seminar

Är skolan verkligen för alla?

Hur diskursiva dilemman om rättvisa och inkludering konstrueras i relation till idén om ’en skola för alla’.

Karin Larsson Hult, fil.dr sociologi vid Mittuniversitetet presenterar sin avhandling ”En skola för alla, eller? Om diskursiva dilemman i ett (o)möjligt värdegrundsprojekt”.