Seminars & Activities
The CCD seminar series consists of four different strands:
Please note that all times are CET (Central European Time) or, in 2025 between March 30 and October 26, CEST (Central European Summer Time).
- The CCD international seminars of relevance for communication, culture and diversity (always in English)
- The CCD working papers seminars (in English or Swedish)
- The DoIT seminars (DoIT - Delaktighet och Inkludering Tankesmedja [the Participation and Inclusion Think Tank], most often in Swedish)
Using a whole-school approach to teacher professional development and support for highly able students
Laura-Elena Runceanu has a PhD in Psychology and is affiliated with CCD. In this seminar, she will engage the participants in a discussion about how to implement a whole-school approach to teacher professional development and address the academic/educational and social-emotional needs of highly able students, including those who are twice- or multi-exceptional. Examples from educational practices will be also included. Currently, there is a growing interest in Sweden in the education of highly able students, although there are no agreed upon terminology, definitions, or models for identification and support recommended in the Swedish educational policies. The International Baccalaureate (IB) is mentioned in the specialist literature (e.g. VanTassel-Baska, 2023; Brody, 2023; Poelzer & Feldhusen, 1997) as an example of a program that meets the academic or educational needs of highly able students. However, there is a need to systematically support all highly able students, including those who are twice- or multi-exceptional, by offering in-service, evidence-informed professional learning development to teachers and support staff on how to address these unique needs, while consulting with the students and their families along the way.
21 February, 01:00-02:30 p.m
CCD working papers seminar (in Swedish)
Hc229 and Zoom:
Forskare som författare
Kan skrivande utanför de akademiska ramarna utveckla en forskares texter? Joel Berglund, doktorand i pedagogik vid HLK kommer att berätta om hur han använder sina erfarenheter av att skriva barnböcker, deckare och biografier i sin doktorsavhandling. Det bjuds även in till en diskussion kring hur man kan göra akademiska texter mer underhållande och läsvärda, samt hur skönlitteratur kan ge inspiration till forskningsprojekt.
7 March September, 09:00 am - 03:00 p.m
CCD retreat
CCD-retreat at Mariedal (Jönköping University).
21 March, 01:00-03:00 p.m
CCD working papers seminar
CCD members share insights into their ongoing research projects.
25 April, 01:00-03:00 pm
Brainstorming seminar
Hc229 and zoom:
CCD members discuss common themes that could lead to cross-disciplinary grant applications.
16 May, 01:30-03.00 p.m
CCD seminar
Är skolan verkligen för alla?
Hur diskursiva dilemman om rättvisa och inkludering konstrueras i relation till idén om ’en skola för alla’.
Karin Larsson Hult, fil.dr sociologi vid Mittuniversitetet presenterar sin avhandling ”En skola för alla, eller? Om diskursiva dilemman i ett (o)möjligt värdegrundsprojekt”.