Finished projects
- Ceasar project, Beatrix Algurén, et al.
- "Collaboration with Munich/Switzerland", Beatrix Algurén.
- Co-design care in the context of sexual violence in Jönköping County (Survive) Collaborative project Region Jönköping County, Municipal Development, the County Administrative Board and HHJ. Helena Kilander is the lead researcher. Part of the the Samskapa programme, funded by Forte and the Region Jönköping County.
- Conversations about life - promoting mental health and lifestyle improvement. Focus group interviews. Inger Jansson, AFG and Daniel Masterson, JA. In collaboration with Origo Resurs and the Public Health Section of the Jönköping County Region.
- Famnas testbed (Bräcke diakoni) - Vinnova, Beatrix Algurén, Thomas Schneider.
- Follow-up regional development work on stigma related to mental health and suicide. Andrea Resmini, Daniel Masterson, Boel Andersson Gäre, Sofie Rotstedt. In collaboration with the Public Health Section Region Jönköpings län.
- Healthy Ageing - vetenskapsrådet, Boel Andersson Gäre, Paul Nystedt, in collaboration with IFG.
- "How are patients' resources used".
- How can sustainable intervention models be developed to avoid patient harm? A final project in a multi-year research project on interventions against abuse in health care. Vetenskapsrådet - Marlene Ockander, Boel Andersson Gäre. The project was run by Linköping University.
- Health challenges Huskvarna south. Pre-study through digital workshops for the establishment of a health centre. In collaboration with Origo Resurs, section public health Region Jönköping County et al.
- Intermountain Healthcare - SKL, Mattias Elg, Peter Danery.
- Interactive research during the development of a "Learning health system" in psychological care. The title of Andreas Gremyr's thesis was "Improving health with and for individuals with schizophrenia using a learning health system approach: From idea to daily practice".
- LearnOvation, a leadership interventions study for innovation in primary care. Sofia Kjellström, Gunilla Avby. Funded by Vinnova.
- Multifunctional outdoor environments that promote health and sustainability - a study of collaborative processes for enhanced ecosystem services in the city. Sofia Kjellström and researcher at HLK.
- PROMcenter, Johan Thor.
- Qualityregister within improvement science - Vinnvård Fellowship Johan Thor, Paul Batalden, et al.
- REACT-S Resilient action strategies of first-line managers. Sofia Kjellström and researchers from JTH. Funded within the SPARK environment by the KK Foundation.
- Regional coloncancerproject, Johan Thor, Felicia Gabrielsson Järhult.
- Scoping review
External link, opens in new window., Mapping definitions of co-production and co-design in health and social care - summarising the theory, practice and impact of coproduction and co-design in the health and welfare sector. Daniel Masterson et al. at JA.
- Shared decision-making. Development of a decision support tool for patients with schizophrenia and other psychosis-like conditions. Berith Hedberg. In collaboration with several international researchers and networks.
- SIP, Erik Nordström, Berith Hedberg, Irené Josephsson.
- Social Innovation for Regional Development (SIRU) - European Regional Development Fund, Region Jönköping County, Jönköping University and Coompanion Jönköping County - Marlene Ockander, Paul Nystedt et al.
- Systematic follow up; Children as relatives, Ann-Christine Anderson, Marie Golsäter, Boel Andersson Gäre, Anna Melke, in collaboration with NKA Linnéuniversitetet/Kalmar.
- User-driven digital development in rural areas for health, well-being and attractiveness - pilot study - LEADER Astrid Lindgren's Home Town, European Regional Development Fund - Marlene Ockander, Sofi Fristedt.
Photographer: Johan Werner Avby