Kersti Karltorp: A portrait of MMTC's Post Doc researcher and her work in sustainability transition.
Kersti Karltorp is a Post Doc researcher based at MMTC, Jönköping International Business School (JIBS), and RISE (Research Institute of Sweden). Kersti began her employment with JIBS in 2017, joining the Research team at MMTC at the same time.
MMTC is an important area for internal and external discussion about transitions.
Kersti is passionate about working toward a more sustainable society, which is reflected in her research areas of sustainability transition. Her work is focused on innovation systems, transformative innovation policy, policy evaluation, urban transitions, and energy transitions. Kersti’s work is relevant and meaningful to practice and policy.
My research can provide a deeper understanding of how different actors can contribute to sustainability transitions.
Kersti’s research contributes to the Swedish Transformative Innovation Policy Platform, STIPP (https://www.stippsweden.com) and she is interested in developing further collaborations in the areas of policy for urban transitions and policy evaluation. During 2018 Kersti also conducted a Swedish Energy Agency-funded project looking at how the Swedish process industry can transform to have zero greenhouse gas emissions.
Kersti has a PhD in Innovation system and Environmental Systems Analysis from Chalmers University of Technology, a MSc in Industrial Ecology as well as in Industrial Engineering and Management. Besides working in academia, Kersti has worked for the Second Swedish Pension fund (AP2) where she analyzed the environmental and social aspects in relation to investment.