News and Announcements
MMTC Researchers Collaborate to Strengthen Democratic Governance in Ukraine
MMTC researchers at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) are taking active steps to support Ukraine’s democratization through a new international collaboration aimed at promoting good governance.
Female Board Members Drive Growth in Male-Led Startups
A new study from Jönköping University (JU) and Erasmus University highlights the significant impact female board members have on male-led startups aiming for rapid growth. Their contributions to workforce development and recruitment are shown to be crucial for a company’s long-term success.
Timur Uman and Co-Authors Win Best Paper Award for Research on Diversity in Multicultural Teams
MMTC member Timur Uman and co-authors Jacob Lauring, Christina L. Butler, Milena Paunova, and Lena Zander have been awarded the Best Paper Award 2024 by the European Journal of International Management for their groundbreaking research on diversity in multicultural teams.
New Research Explores How Startups Frame Sustainability in Investor Pitches
A new study by MMTC affiliate Ulla A. Saari , MMTC Director Leona Achtenhagen , and co-authors Annabeth Aagaard and Saku J. Mäkinen , published in Business Strategy and the Environment , investigates how entrepreneurs present sustainability in their business pitches to investors.
MMTC Member Joshua Maine Nails His Thesis
MMTC congratulates Joshua Maine on successfully nailing his thesis, a significant milestone in his academic journey.
Reflecting on the Future of Responsible Digital Innovation
RDIS 2025 Brings Together Experts to Tackle Digital Responsibility
New Publication Explores Remote Work Dynamics
A new chapter by MMTC Director Leona Achtenhagen and MMTC member Dinara Tokbaeva titled "6 Remote Working from Home: The Adaptive Organization" has been published in the De Gruyter Handbook of Media Technology and Innovation .
New Study Explores Challenges and Opportunities of Municipal Corporations
A new study by MMTC member Joshua Maine, published in the International Public Management Journal , delves into the role of municipal corporations (MCs) in delivering public services.