emma2020 is coming!
Call for papers announced!
MMTC will be hosting the emma2020 conference from 4-6 June and have launched the official call for papers.
Contextualizing Media Management Research
The field of Media Management research is growing and developing, sharpening its ambitions and opportunities. Media management research can benefit from a better understanding of the different dimensions of contexts relevant in media. Contextualizing our research offers potential to not only account for specific circumstances and boundary conditions in our findings, but also to increase theories of media relevance beyond current industry definitions and managerial issues.
Call for papers
Submissions for the emma conference are invited as paper proposals in the form of abstracts (500-750 words) followed by a full paper (6000 words maximum), if the abstract is accepted. The abstract should address the following evaluation criteria:
– Problematization, research purpose, anchoring in previous research, and relevance to the academic field of media management
– Research methodology
– Summary of (expected) results/findings
– Intended contributions to the field’s knowledge
– Practical implications (for business and/or policy)
All submissions will go through the process of double peer review by experts nominated to the conference’s Scientific Committee.
Full papers will only be considered for the Best Paper Award (€300) if they are submitted before 26 April 2020.
Early November 2019: Submission System Opens. Deadline: 26 January 2020 (Effective 12:00 UTC+2)