New research project receives 2,5 million kronor funding
MMTC members Marcel Garz and Mart Ots will receive SEK 2.5 million from Konkurrensverket (Swedish Competition Authority), for a new research project running from 2023 until 2025.

Some exciting news from two of MMTC's members - Marcel Garz Opens in new window. and Mart Ots
Opens in new window. - who will receive SEK 2.5 million from Konkurrensverket (Swedish Competition Authority), for a new research project running from 2023 until 2025.
In the project "Competition, multimarket contact, and quality of local newspaper coverage" we will construct a large-scale measure of the quality of Swedish newspaper coverage, using content analysis and machine-learning techniques. We then investigate how news quality is related to different forms of market structure and market overlaps between newspaper companies. The project aims to provide insights that are useful for competition authorities, media regulators, and other stakeholders