Lejf Moos

Lektor emeritus, Danish School of Education

Lejf Moos is a associate professor emiritus at Aarhus University, Denmark, Danish School of Education. He has for years done research and publicised in Danmark, Nordic Countries and internationally on education and school development, education and school leadership and on municipal superintendents. Broadening all this for the past years to research into eduational governance and thus into relations to transnational agencies and other countries ways of doing and thinking education. He is at oresent editing together with Sephen carney the Springer book series on Education Governance Research.

https://pure.au.dk/portal/en/persons/lejf-moos(856c60b3-1ac2-4ee0-9d8c-1dd1e65203a3).html Länk till annan webbplats, öppnas i nytt fönster.

Lejf Moos