ECADOC Summer School 2020 - Going Digital

Jönköping University campus, in the middle of the beautiful city of Jönköping, situated by lake Vättern in the southern part of Sweden.
Welcome to the 7th ECADOC Summer School, in Career Guidance and Counselling, 8-12 June 2020.
For the first time, ECADOC Summer School will be in a digital form, due to the Covid 19 pandemic.
We are happy to present the 7th ECADOC Summer School within the field of Career Guidance and Counselling, under the broad and inclusive theme Lifelong guidance in contexts of lifelong learning – Exploring effects and implications for career guidance and counselling in an age of uncertainty.
We welcome contributors and applicants to the 7th ECADOC Summer School in Career Guidance and Counselling, between the 8-12 June 2020. Due to the demand from participants, the spirit of ECADOC will be continued in a digital form, as an innovative alternative.
More specific information about the programme, readings for the event, instructions for participation, seminars and tasks, will be provided.
The Summer School is hosted and sponsored by the School of Education and Communication of Jönköping University in Sweden, within the frame of the research school and in collaboration with ENCELL, the Swedish National Centre for Lifelong Learning. Dr. Ingela Bergmo Prvulovic, at Jönköping University will be the coordinating host of the Summer School.
In 2019, the ECADOC summer school was hosted by Ronald Sultana (Director, Euro-Mediterranean Centre for Educational Research) at University of Malta. Twenty-two PhD students from 17 countries were selected as participants to present their research projects, network, and discuss future innovative research collaborations.
Malta Summer School 2019 Feedback: Reflections from the participants. Pdf, 715.7 kB, opens in new window.