SPARK's Annual Conference 2018
SPARK's first annual conference was held on 26 April 2018 and gathered around 130 people from industry and academy as well as from public actors. The theme of the event was How do we develop smart factories in Småland?
Listen to eight voices about SPARK (in Swedish)
Get a glimpse of the project exhibition
Theme of the year: How do we develop smart factories in Småland?
Note: The conference is held in Swedish.
When? 26 april, 9.00-16.00
Where? School of Education and Communication
9.00 Registration, coffee and mingling in our project exhibition
Be there in time and mingle around in the project exhibition in Arkaden (the entry hall of the School of Education and Communication). There you have the opportunity to meet researchers within SPARK and hear about their research and educational activities within knowledge intensive product realization.
10.00 How do we develop smart factories in Småland?
For more details, see the Swedish programme.
11.45 Lunch in Orangeriet and project exhibition
13.00 Workshops on the industry's short- and long-term challenges and needs connected to the theme of the conference and from four perspectives: research, education, innovation and collaboration.
For more details, see the Swedish programme.
15.00 Coffee in Orangeriet
15.15 SPARK Award and sum-up of the day
16.00 Closing of the conference
Presentations (in Swedish)
- JU och SPARK – ett kunskapscentrum för regionens näringsliv
Pdf, 21 MB.
- Produktion2030 - en plattform med oändliga möjligheter
Pdf, 2.5 MB, opens in new window.
- Scania Oskarshamn - världens modernaste hyttfabrik (the movie)
External link, opens in new window.
- Husqvarna Edge – ”Den smarta fabriken”
External link, opens in new window.
- Smart industri driver utveckling och attraktivitet
Pdf, 2.4 MB, opens in new window.
- Innovation Runway - en innovations- och affärsutvecklingsresurs för regionens SME-företag
Pdf, 1.8 MB.
Conclusions from the workshops (in Swedish)
As part of the annual conference, the participants were invited to four different workshops. Click the below themes to read the summaries from each workshop.