Marjorie Godfrey

Marjorie Godfrey has been exploring and developing knowledge of systematic health care improvement from the Clinical Microsystem perspective for several decades.  
Marjorie, a nurse, has worked collaboratively with interdisciplinary professionals within the context of Clinical Microsystems with a focus on improving and redesigning health care systems to benefit patients, families, professionals and organizations to result in more efficient, safe, timely, effective, equitable, patient centered care.
Marjorie has collaborated with Qulturum in Jönköping, Sweden senior leaders for the past eight years to support innovation and transformation of their health care system using clinical microsystem processes and frameworks.
As a PhD student, Marjorie is researching the role of the "coach" and "coaching" of busy interdisciplinary health care professionals to achieve strategic health care improvements. Building from prior action research in Clinical Microsystems, the aim of the current mixed method research is to gain deeper insight and knowledge about the role of the coach from the "coachee", coach and leader perspective. The final mixed method research will test the coach findings within the context of the Swedish health care system based on the prior research to identify if the coach role and coaching influences interdisciplinary health care team achievements of strategic improvement goals.


Godfrey, M., Andersson-Gäre, B., Nelson, E., Nilsson, M., Ahlström, G. (2014). Coaching interprofessional health care improvement teams: the coachee, the coach and the leader perspectives Journal of Nursing Management, 22(4), 452-464. More information
Godfrey, M., Melin, C., Muething, S., Batalden, P., Nelson, E. (2008). Clinical microsystems, Part 3.: Transformation of two hospitals using microsystem, mesosystem, and macrosystem strategies. Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, 34(10), 591-603. More information
Huber, T., Godfrey, M., Nelson, E., Mohr, J., Campbell, C., Batalden, P. (2003). Microsystems in health care: Part 8. Developing people and improving work life Joint Commission journal on quality and safety, 29(10), 512-22. More information
Godfrey, M., Nelson, E., Wasson, J., Mohr, J., Batalden, P. (2003). Microsystems in health care: Part 3. Planning patient-centered services. Joint Commission journal on quality and safety, 29(4), 159-170. More information

Doctoral thesis

Godfrey, M. (2013). Improvement Capability at the Front Lines of Healthcare: Helping through Leading and Coaching (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Health Sciences). More information

Other publications

Godfrey, M., Thor, J., Nilsson, M., Andersson-Gäre, B. . Testing a Team Coaching Model to develop improvement capability of frontline teams: A comparative intervention and process evaluation pilot study. More information