Roland Persson

Professor of Educational Psychology
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Head of Subject Psychology


Dr. Persson is assigned mainly to the Human Resource Management Progamme in the field of Psychology. He belongs to the Encell Research Group, emphasises the importance of communicating science and its results to the surrounding community and has thus far initiated research projects into musical communication and learning; into the understanding of giftedness and talent in the various levels of education systems; Talent Management with an emphasis on what Google terms "smartcreatives", into gender roles and the measurement of its constructs; into ability climates in Europe and has of late also launched more theoretical studies of the individual, society and the significance of social evolution.  


Roland S Persson, PhD, FCollT, is professor of Educational Psychology and has a research orientation towards high achievement (talent), giftedness and macrosocial dynamics in relation to these. He is Fellow of the College of Teachers, London, England as well as member of and advisor to the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE). 


Persson, R. (2022). Educating for a cosmopolitan ethos in education: Adapting expectations to reality The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 10(1-2), 77-85. More information
Persson, R. (2021). On psychoses, conspiracies, creative flow and the absent-mindedness of genius: An evolutionary function-dysfunction taxonomy of the multiple realities of the human mind The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 9(1-2), 55-80. More information
Aktaş, V., Tepe, Y., Persson, R. (2021). Investigating Turkish university students’ attitudes towards refugees in a time of Civil War in neighboring Syria Current Psychology, 40(2), 553-562. More information
Persson, R. (2020). Challenging the Culture of Competition Third Factor. More information
Aktaş, V., Nilsson, M., Borell, K., Persson, R. (2020). Taking to the streets: A study of the street academy in Ankara British Journal of Educational Studies, 68(3), 365-388. More information
Persson, R. (2020). Extreme intellectual ability and the dynamics of social inclusion The International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 8(1-2), 97-104. More information
Persson, R. (2018). The Confusing Life of Being Too Different , 1(4). More information
Persson, R. (2017). Reconsidering the Ambitions and Position of Gifted Education , 39(3), 183-186. More information
Persson, R. (2015). Erudite, insightful and immensely important: A commentary on V. P. Glavenau's criticial article 'The Psychology of Creativity - A critical Reading' Creativity. Theories-Research-Applications, 2(1), 17-20 Bialystok, Poland: Walter de Gruyter . More information
Persson, R. (2015). Vem bryr sig om talangerna? Axess, 48-53 Stockholm . More information
Persson, R. (2015). High ability and dreams of innovation and prosperity in the emerging global knowledge economy: A critical analysis of changing orientations in research and practice International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 2(2), 15-34 Paris, France: International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) . More information
Persson, R. (2015). A voice of sanity in the arid land of dogmatic systems International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 3(2), 65-70. More information
Persson, R. (2014). The Needs of the Highly Able and the Needs of Society: A Multidisciplinary Analysis of Talent Differentiation and Its Significance to Gifted Education and Issues of Societal Inequality Roeper Review, 36(1), 43-59 New York, NY: Routledge . More information
Persson, R. (2014). Särbegåvning: Ett differentierat fenomen med sociala konsekvenser Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, 91(2), 139-151 Stockholm . More information
Persson, R. (2013). Who decides what giftedness is? International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity, 1(2). More information
Persson, R. (2013). Särbegåvade elever och den svenska skolan Specialpedagogisk tidskrift - Att undervisa, 6-10. More information
Persson, R. (2012). Increasing self-awareness, decreasing dogmatism and expanding disciplinary horizons: synthesising a plan of action towards culture-sensitivity Gifted and Talented International, 27(1), 135-154. More information
Persson, R. (2012). Cultural Variation and Dominance in a Globalised Knowledge-Economy: Towards a Culture-Sensitive Research Paradigm in the Science of Giftedness Gifted and Talented International, 27(1), 15-45 World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) . More information
Persson, R. (2012). A bold and promising model with a few loose ends High Ability Studies, 23(1), 97-99. More information
Persson, R. (2011). Ability climates in Europe as socially represented notability High Ability Studies, 22(1), 79-101 London: Routledge . More information
Persson, R. (2011). Straight talking gifted and talented education Talent Development and Excellence, 3(1), 93-94 Ulm, Germany and Beijing, China: International Research Association for Talent Development and Excellence . More information
Persson, R. (2010). Experiences of intellectually gifted students in an egalitarian and inclusive educational system: A survey study Journal for the Education of the Gifted, 33(4), 536-569. More information
Persson, R. (2010). Adding emotion to the gifted musical mind: Towards a model of gifted musical thinking The International Journal of Creativity and Problem Solving, 20(2), 85-109. More information
Persson, R. (2010). The importance and weaknesses of the productivist industrial model of knowledge production Gifted and Talented International, 25(1), 31-33 Winnipeg, Canada: WCTGC . More information
Persson, R. (2009). Gifted Education: Recent developments in Sweden ECHA News, 23(2), 19-21. More information
Persson, R. (2009). Intellectually Gifted Individuals' Career Choices and Work Satisfaction: A descriptive study Gifted and Talented International, 24(1), 11-25 Winnipeg, Canada: World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC) . More information
Persson, R. (2007). The Myth of the Anti-Social Genius: A Survey Study of the Socio-Emotional Aspects of High-IQ Individuals Gifted and Talented International, 22(2), 19-34. More information
Persson, R. (2006). VSAIEEDC - A cognition-based generic model for qualitative data analysis in giftedness and talent research Gifted and Talented International, 21(2), 29-37. More information
Persson, R. (2006). Underground resistance is alive and well: An unofficial report from Sweden ECHA News, 20(1), 4-5. More information
Persson, R. (2005). Voices in the wilderness: Counselling gifted students in a Swedish egalitarian setting International Journal for the Advancement of Counselling, 27(2), 263-276. More information
Persson, R. (2004). Where tradition may get in the way of musical development: The case of learning an instrument Education Today, 54(4), 4-7. More information
Persson, R. (2002). Hoogbegaafdheid in het buitenland: Zweden – begaafde leerlingen in een egalitair onderwijssysteem Talent, 3(7), 12- Utrecht: Uitgevereij Lemma . More information
Persson, R. (2000). Survival of the fittest or the most talented?: Deconstructing the myth of the musical maestro Journal of Secondary Gifted Education, 12(1), 25-38. More information
Persson, R. (1999). High Ability, society and its future: The broader curriculum Australasian Journal of Gifted Education, 8(1), 5-14. More information
Persson, R. (1999). Exploring high ability in egalitarian settings: Swedish school teachers and gifted students Gifted and Talented International, 10(1), 6-11. More information
Persson, R. (1998). Paragons of virtue: Teachers’ conceptual understanding of high ability in an egalitarian school system High Ability Studies, 9(2), 181-196. More information
Persson, R. (1998). Competence beyond IQ: On domain specificity and the need for a differentiated and culture-sensitive taxonomy of gifted behaviours Educating the Able Child, 2, 20-26. More information
Persson, R. (1996). Brilliant performers as teachers: A case study of common sense teaching in a conservatoire setting International Journal of Music Education, 28(1), 25-36. More information
Persson, R. (1996). Studying with a musical maestro: A case study of common sense teaching in artistic training Creativity Research Journal, 9(1), 33-46. More information
Persson, R., Robson, C. (1995). The Limits of Experimentation: On Researching Music and Musical Settings Psychology of Music, 23(1), 39-47. More information
Persson, R. (1995). Psychosocial stressors among student musicians: A naturalistic study of the teacher-student relationship International Journal of Arts Medicine, 4(2), 7-13. More information
Persson, R. (1995). Vad är musikpsykologi och vad gör en musikpsykolog? Psykologtidningen, 41(3), 4-7 Stockholm: Psykologförbundet . More information
Persson, R. (1994). Control before shape - on mastering the clarinet: A case study on commonsense teaching British Journal of Music Education, 11(3), 223-238. More information
Persson, R. (1994). Concert musicians as teachers: On good intentions falling short European Journal For High Ability, 5(1), 79-89. More information
Persson, R., Pratt, G., Robson, C. (1992). Motivational and Influential Components of Musical Performance: A Qualitative Analysis European Journal For High Ability, 3(2), 206-217. More information
Persson, R. . Si tvorivy ucite? Tvorivost: Cto to je? Technologia Vzdelavania. More information


Persson, R. (2023). Begåvning och samhälle i paradoxernas samtid. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University More information
Persson, R. (2022). Agility and function, or rule-ridden management and structural slavery: Disentangling the complexity of human nature, work, and policy making. Zürich, CH: LIT Verlag More information
Persson, R. (2021). Ambitious humanity: the uses and abuses of competing. Ulm, Germany: International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) More information
Persson, R. (2018). Evolved human giftedness: Reclaiming science from ideology, dogmatism, and self-serving bias. Ulm, Germany: The Interantional Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) More information
Persson, R. (2010). Kulturförståelse i ett globaliserat samhälle. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press More information
Persson, R. (2006). Pragmatisk analys: Att skriva om och tolka kvalitativa data. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Publishing More information
Persson, R. (2004). Hungry to win, losing your mind?: The eating and dieting behaviors of bodybuilders and power sport athletes. Morrisville, NC: Lulu.Com More information
Persson, R. (2004). Heroes, nerds or martyrs?: On giftedness and the leaderships of tomorrow. Morrisville, NC: Lulu Press More information
Persson, R. (2004). Big, bad and stupid or big, good and smart?: a three-year participant observational field study of the male bodybuilder stereotype and its consequences. Jönköping: Jönköping University Press More information
Atterström, H., Persson, R. (2000). Brister eller olikheter?: Specialpedagogik på alternativa grundvalar. Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Persson, R. (1999). Vetenskaplig handledning. Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Persson, R. (1997). Annorlunda land: Särbegåvningens psykologi. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell More information
Persson, R. (1996). Formell struktur och personligt författarskap: Råd och regler för vetenskapliga uppsatser. Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell More information
Persson, R. (1996). Psyke, stress och konstnärlig frihet: Ansats till en yrkesmusikalisk psykosomatik. Stockholm: KMH förl. (Musikhögsk.) More information

Doctoral thesis

Persson, R. (1993). The Subjectivity of Musical Performance: An Exploratory Music-Psychological Real World EnquiryInto the Determinants and Education of Musical Reality (Doctoral thesis). More information

Book chapter

Persson, R. (2021). Giftedness, talent, and human evolution: A framework for understanding extreme behavior. In: R. J. Sternberg & D. Ambrose (Ed.), Conceptions of giftedness and talent (pp. 281 -294). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Persson, R., Aktaş, V. (2019). Understanding why an immigrant neurosurgeon is driving your taxi: On highly qualified foreign labour looking for work in your country. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo-Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 153 -162). London, UK: Routledge More information
Persson, R. (2019). Recruitment mistakes, future employees, and fabulous fantasies: The market's need of magical qualities. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo-Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 86 -102). London, UK: Routledge More information
Persson, R. (2019). Destined to lead the world? Great leaders, fashionable nonsense, and the origins and possible future of leadership. In: Roya Klingner (Ed.), Leadership in gifted education (pp. 1 -47). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. More information
Persson, R., Aktas, V. (2019). Those who know more than you: Talent management in the Google era. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo-Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 190 -202). London, UK: Routledge More information
Persson, R. (2017). Accountable talent: Under and overachievement as investible human capital. In: Roya Klingner (Ed.), Gifted underachiever (pp. 1 -32). Hauppage, NY: Nova Science Publishers, Inc. More information
Persson, R. (2017). Ett förord till en förträfflig bok. In: Särskilt begåvade elever: Pedagogens utmaning och möjlighet Stockholm: Gothia Förlag AB More information
Persson, R. (2017). Felrekrytering, framtidens anställda och fabulösa fantasier: Om marknadens behov av magiska egenskaper. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 113 -136). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Persson, R., Aktaş, V. (2017). De som kan mer än du: Talent management i Googles tidevarv för särskilda begåvningar i svenska organisationer. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 237 -256). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Aktaş, V., Persson, R. (2017). Fel person på fel plats: Om högutbildade invandrare på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 191 -206). Lund, SE: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Persson, R. (2016). Human Nature: The Unpredictable Variable in Engineering the Future. In: Don Ambrose & Robert J. Sternberg (Ed.), Giftedness and Talent in the 21st Century: Adapting to the Turbulence of Globalization (pp. 65 -80). Rotterdam: Sense Publishers More information
Persson, R. (2015). Through the looking-glass: Understanding the social dynamics of human nature and gifted identity. In: Roya Klingner (Ed.), Make them shine: Identification and understanding of gifted children under consideration of their social and emotional needs (pp. 37 -76). Zurich, Switzerland: LIT Verlag More information
Persson, R. (2009). Europe, Gifted Education. In: Barbara Kerr (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Giftedness, Creativity, and Talent: Volume 1 Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications More information
Shaughnessy, F., Persson, R. (2009). Observed trends and needed trends in Gifted Education. In: Shavinina, Larisa (Ed.), International Handbook on Giftedness: Part Two (pp. 1285 -1291). Dordrecht, NL: Springer Science More information
Persson, R. (2009). The unwanted gifted and talented: A sociobiological perspective of the societal functions of giftedness. In: Larisa V. Shavinina (Ed.), International Handbook on Giftedness (pp. 913 -924). Dordrecht: Springer Science More information
Kaufman, C., Kaufman, B., Beghetto, A., Burgess, A., Persson, R. (2009). Creative giftedness: Beginnings, Developments, and Future Promises. In: Shavinina, Larisa (Ed.), International Handbook on Giftedness: Part One (pp. 585 -598). Dordrecht, NL: Springer Science More information
Persson, R. (2009). The Elusive Muse: Understanding Musical Giftedness. In: Larisa V. Shavinina (Ed.), International Handbook on Giftedness (pp. 727 -749). Dordrecht: Springer Science More information
Juslin, P., Persson, R. (2002). Emotional communication. In: Richard Parncutt & Gary E. McPherson (Ed.), The science and psychology of music performance: creative strategies for teaching and learning (pp. 219 -236). New York: Oxford University Press More information
Persson, R. (2001). Pandora’s Box revisited?: On information technology, technostress, virtual addiction and the effects of information overload. In: Mohamed Chaib (Ed.), Perspectives on Human-Computer Interactions: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 17 -49). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Persson, R. (2001). The subjective world of the performer. In: Patrik N. Juslin and John A. Sloboda (Ed.), Music and Emotion: Theory and research (pp. 275 -289). Oxford: Oxford University Press More information
Persson, R., Joswig, H., Balogh, L. (2000). Gifted education in Europe: Programs, practices, and current research. In: Kurt A. Heller (Ed.), International handbook of giftedness and talent (pp. 703 -734). Amsterdam: Elsevier More information
Persson, R., Pratt, G., Robson, C. (1996). Motivational and influential components of musical performance: A qualitative analysis. In: Arthur J. Cropley and Detlev Dehn (Ed.), Fostering the growth of high ability: European perspectives (pp. 287 -302). Norwood, NJ: Ablex More information
Persson, R. (1996). Concert musicians as teachers: On good intentions falling short. In: Arthur J. Cropley and Detlev Dehn (Ed.), Fostering the growth of high ability: European perspectives (pp. 303 -320). Norwood, NJ: Ablex More information
Persson, R. (1995). Musical reality: Exploring the subjective world of performers. In: Raymond Monelle and Catherine T. Gray (Ed.), Song and signification: Studies in music semiotics Edinburgh: Faculty of Music, Edinburgh University More information

Conference paper

Aktaş, V., Tepe, Y., Nilsson, M., Persson, R. (2022). Mültecilere yönelik tutumlar üzerine kültürlerarası bir çalışma [A cross-cultural study on attitudes towards refugees]. 21. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 13-16 Ekim 2022, Doğuş Üniversitesi, Çengelköy Yerleşkesi, İstanbul, Türkiye [21. National Psychology Congress, 13-16 October 2022, Dogus University, Cengelkoy Campus, Istanbul, Turkey]. More information
Persson, R. (2019). Challenges to the basis of giftedness and talent education. Complexity of giftedness and creativity phenomena: challenges - and individual and society. 25th Round Table Conference on Giftedness, Vrsac, Serbia, 28 June 2019. More information
Persson, R. (2018). Skola, utbildningspolitik och bortglömda vetenskapliga sanningar. LUMA (Lärareutbildare i matematik) Konferensen,17-19 oktober 2018, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation, Jönköping University.. More information
Persson, R. (2018). To be abnormal in a normal world. A paper for the 10-year jubilee of the Bavarian Centre for Gifted and Talented Children, 3-4 November 2018 at Freising, Germany. More information
Persson, R. (2017). The few, the proud and the brave: Finding, hiring and managing gifted employees in a time of talent wars. International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) Conference, Lisbon, 2-6 July, 2017.. More information
Persson, R. (2016). Är alla elever begåvade? Kan lärare lära alla elever allt?: Vetenskapliga provokationer för ett ideologiskt skolsystem. Stockholm Leda Lärande, Stockholm, 7 september, 2016.. More information
Persson, R. (2013). Who decides what giftedness is?: On the dilemma of researching and educating the gifted mind in the light of culture, political ambition, and scientific dogma.. The Twentieth World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, Louisville, KY, USA, 10-14 August 2013. More information
Persson, R. (2011). The Multidimensional Model of Musical Giftedness (3MG): Breaking new ground in understanding musical talent and musical thinking. World Council for Gifted and Talented Children WCGTC Conference, Prague. More information
Persson, R. (2011). Social responsibility for Talent in Europe: Considerations in planning for a European Model for Talent Support. ”Social and European Responsibility” of the Hungarian EU Presidential Conference on Talent Support, Budapest, Hungary, 7-10 April 2011. More information
Persson, R. (2011). Ability Climates: The forgotten cultural factor in promoting gifted education. the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) Conference 2011, Istanbul, Turkey, 6-9 July, 2011.. More information
Persson, R. (2009). The Talent of Being Inconvenient: On the Societal Functions of Giftedness. 18th World Conference on Gifted and Talented Children, 3 – 7 August 2009, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada. More information
Persson, R. (1996). The maestro music teacher and musicians' mental health. American Psychological Association 104th Conference, Toronto, Canada, August 9-13, 1996.. More information
Persson, R. (1996). The maestro music teacher and musicians' mental health. The Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Association (104th, Toronto, ON, Canada). More information
Persson, R. (1996). The maestro teacher and musicians’ mental health. The 104th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association in Toronto, Canada, August 9-13, 1996. More information

Other publications

Persson, R. (2022). On society and the profoundly gifted [blog post]. More information
Persson, R. (2019). Särbegåvade barn i skolan och deras hälsa. Jönköping, Sweden More information
Persson, R. (2019). Digital HR, Artificiell Intelligens och Big Data: Den nya teknologins möjligheter och omöjligheter. Jönköping More information
Persson, R. (2015). Tre korta texter om att förstå särskilt begåvade barn i den svenska skolan. More information
Persson, R. (2014). Sweden awakens to gifted education: The allure of economic growth?. More information
Persson, R. (2011). On being musically gifted: For teachers, parents and their music-­studying pupils. Freising, Bavaria, Germany: The Bavarian Center for the Gifted and Talented More information
Persson, R. (2010). Förord. More information
Persson, R. (2010). Särbegåvade barn och ungdomar är utmaning för svenska psykologer: En kort översikt. More information
Persson, R. (2008). SESoFuS. Studien om folket vid slutet av normalfördelnings kurvan (+IQ131).: Om svenskt utbildningsväsende och intellektuell utveckling. More information


Bondarik, M., Dymarskaya, O., Persson, R. (2017). Talent for the knowledge economy? A case study of Russia and the search for key people for economic growth. Jönköping: Jönköping University More information
Persson, R. (2017). Distress or satisfaction?: Talent management in higher education worldwide. Ulm: International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) More information
Gustafsson, J. Allodi Westling, M. Alin Åkerman, B. Eriksson, C. Eriksson, L. Fischbein, S. , ... Persson R. (2010). School, Learning and Mental Health: A systematic review. Stockholm: Kungl. Vetenskapsakademien More information
Persson, R. (1999). Exploring the meaning of gender: Evaluating and revising the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (BSRI) for a Swedish research context (BSRI-SE). Jönköping: School of Education & Communication More information


(2014). Se mig också!: Om särbegåvades utsatthet. Stockholm: Karolinska och Vetenskapsrådet More information