Monika Allgurin

Professor Social Work
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare
Research School of Health and Welfare , School of Health and Welfare
Associate Professor


Monika Allgurin is Professor in Social Work. Her research focuses on the intersectional approaches to the processes and practices of inequality (re)production within the context of the welfare state. In particular, she is  interested in the agency-structure relationships within diverse contexts as well as the creation and use of various spaces at the individual, groups, organizational, and societal levels. Methodologically, she is  trained in discourse and narrative analysis.  Her most recent work revolves around the emotional dimension of qualitative research and institutional practices and applies interactional analysis to trace the emergence and construction of emotions within the context of meetings between professional and non-professional actors. 


Allgurin, M., Gubrium, E., Svenlin, A. (2024). Editorial Nordic Social Work Research, 14(1), 1-3. More information
Odzakovic, E. Allgurin, M. Jonasson, L. Öberg, S. Fridlund, B. Ulander, M. , ... Broström A. (2024). Experiences of facilitators and barriers for fulfilment of human needs when living with restless legs syndrome: a qualitative study International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 19(1). More information
Allgurin, M., Enell, S. (2023). Battling parenting: The consequences of secure care interventions on parents Child & Family Social Work, 28(1), 108-116. More information
Allgurin, M., Anand, J., Gubrium, E., Svenlin, A., Thoresen, S. (2023). The ‘social’ in social work Nordic Social Work Research, 13(1), 1-3. More information
Thoresen, S., Allgurin, M., Gubrium, E., Svenlin, A., Anand, J. (2023). Spring 2023 Nordic Social Work Research, 13(2), 175. More information
Wilińska, M., Thoresen, S. (2023). Editorial Nordic Social Work Research, 13(3), 365. More information
Lim, E., Ong, R., Thor, J., Wilińska, M., Andersson-Gäre, B., Thumboo, J. (2023). An Evaluation of the Relationship between Training of Health Practitioners in a Person-Centred Care Model and their Person-Centred Attitudes International Journal of Integrated Care, 23(4). More information
Heikkinen, S., Wilińska, M. (2022). Dancing My Age: Emotions, Interactions, and Bodily Sensations Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4. More information
Thoresen, S., Anand, J., Gubrium, E., Wilińska, M., Svenlin, A. (2022). Introducing the new editors of Nordic social work research Nordic Social Work Research, 12(1), 1-4. More information
Enell, S., Wilińska, M. (2022). “My Whole Family Is Not Really My Family” — Secure Care Shadows on Family and Family Practices Among Young Adults and Their Family Members Journal of Family Issues, 43(8), 2210-2233. More information
Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Keet, A., Esau, M. (2022). “Personally, I like it. Professionally, it does not make sense” – social work students in South Africa and Sweden making sense of internationalization Nordic Social Work Research, 12(5), 654-665. More information
Gubrium, E., Allgurin Wilińska, M., Anand, J., Svenlin, A., Thoresen, S. (2022). Taking time seriously Nordic Social Work Research, 12(4), 407-409. More information
Anand, J., Thoresen, S., Gubrium, E., Allgurin Wilińska, M., Solstad, A. (2022). Editorial Nordic Social Work Research, 12(5), 611. More information
Lim, E., Khee, G., Thor, J., Andersson-Gäre, B., Thumboo, J., Allgurin, M. (2022). How the Esther Network model for coproduction of person-centred health and social care was adopted and adapted in Singapore: a realist evaluation BMJ Open, 12(12). More information
Bülow, P., Finkel, D., Allgurin, M., Torgé, C., Jegermalm, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P. (2022). Aging of severely mentally ill patients first admitted before or after the reorganization of psychiatric care in Sweden International Journal of Mental Health Systems, 16(1). More information
Wilińska, M., Rolander, B., Bülow, P. (2021). 'When I'm 65': On the age-negotiated duty to work Work, Employment and Society, 35(1), 21-36. More information
Finkel, D., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P. (2021). Does the length of institutionalization matter? Longitudinal follow-up of persons with severe mental illness 65 years and older: shorter-stay versus longer-stay International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 36(8), 1223-1230. More information
Enell, S., Wilińska, M. (2021). Negotiating, Opposing, and Transposing Dangerousness: A Relational Perspective on Young People’s Experiences of Secure Care Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research, 29(1), 28-44. More information
Börjesson, U., Skillmark, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Vejklint, M., Wilińska, M. (2021). “It’s about Living Like Everyone Else”: Dichotomies of Housing Support in Swedish Mental Health Care Social Inclusion, 9(3), 276-285. More information
Wilińska, M., Bülow, P. (2020). Emotion ability - practices of affective citizenship in the work rehabilitation process Critical Policy Studies, 14(1), 38-66. More information
Ander, B., Wilińska, M. (2020). “We are not like those who/…/sit in the woods and drink”: The making of drinking spaces by youth Qualitative Social Work, 19(3), 424-439. More information
Ekström, E., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M. (2020). 'I don’t think you will understand me because really, I believe' – Unaccompanied female minors re-negotiating religion Qualitative Social Work, 19(4), 719-735. More information
Jegermalm, M., Wilińska, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Torgé, C. (2020). Filling the gaps? The role of voluntary organizations in supporting older people with severe mental illnesses Nordic Social Work Research, 10(3), 219-229. More information
Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M. (2020). Frivilligt stöd till äldre med psykisk funktions­nedsättning Äldre i centrum, 58-61. More information
Wilińska, M. (2020). Institutional Life in Making: Methodological Reflections on the Use of Video Recordings in Qualitative Research Kultura i Edukacja. More information
Iversen, S., Wilińska, M. (2020). Ageing, old age and media: Critical appraisal of knowledge practices in academic research International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 14(1), 121-149. More information
Wilińska, M., Grzenda, W., Perek-Białas, J. (2019). Grandmothers and non-grandmothers in the Polish labor market: The role of family issues Journal of Family Issues, 40(12), 1677-1704. More information
Ayalon, L. Dolberg, P. Mikulionienė, S. Perek-Białas, J. Rapolienė, G. Stypinska, J. , ... de la Fuente-Núñez V. (2019). A systematic review of existing ageism scales. More information
Wilińska, M. (2018). Introductory Remarks , 20(1), 7-9. More information
Azong, J., Wilinska, M. (2017). Into a footnote: Unpaid care work and the Equality Budget in Scotland The European Journal of Women's Studies, 24(3), 218-232. More information
Mosberg Iversen, S., Blaakilde, A., Wilinska, M., Sandvik, K. (2017). Growing old with and via media MedieKultur: Journal of Media and Communication Research, 33(63). More information
Wilinska, M., Bülow, P. (2017). “We are on air now”: the emotionality of video-recording in the institutional setting International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 20(4), 343-355. More information
Robertson, J., Bowes, A., Gibson, G., McCabe, L., Reynish, E., Rutherford, A., Wilińska, M. (2016). Spotlight on Scotland: Assets and opportunities for aging research in a shifting sociopolitical landscape The Gerontologist, 56(6), 979-989. More information
Wilińska, M. (2016). Proud to be a woman: Womanhood, old age, and emotions Journal of Women & Aging, 28(4), 334-345. More information
Wilinska, M. (2014). Shame on me ... emotions in the fieldwork on old age in Japan Qualitative Social Work, 13(5), 602-618. More information
Wilinska, M., Anbäcken, E. (2013). In Search of the Everyday Life of Older People in Japan: Reflections Based on Scholarly Literature Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology, 28(4), 435-451. More information
Wilinska, M. (2013). Welfare spaces of (non)ageing: a discourse perspective Studia Humanistyczne AGH, 12(1), 25-39. More information
Aygören, H., Wilinska, M. (2013). "People Like Us": experiencing difference in the working life of immigrant women Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, 32(6), 575-591. More information
Wilinska, M. (2012). Is there a place for an ageing subject? Stories of ageing at the University of the Third Age in Poland Sociology, 46(2), 290-305. More information
Wilinska, M., Cedersund, E. (2011). Stay healthy, be active and work!: Motive analysis of policy proposals on old age Language, Discourse & Society, 1(1), 54-78. More information
Wilinska, M., Henning, C. (2011). Old age identity in social welfare practice Qualitative Social Work, 10(3), 346-363. More information
Wilińska, M. (2010). Because Women Will Always be Women and Men are Just Getting Older: Intersecting Discourses of Ageing and Gender Current Sociology, 58(6), 879-896. More information
Wilińska, M., Cedersund, E. (2010). "Classic ageism" or "brutal economy"?- Old age and older people in the Polish media Journal of Aging Studies, 24(4), 335-343. More information

Doctoral thesis

Wilinska, M. (2012). Spaces of (non)ageing: A discoursive study of inequalities we live by (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: School of Health Sciences). More information

Book chapter

Wilińska, M., Boateng, D. (2022). Present-time witches: Media and the intersecting discourses of age, gender and mental health in Ghana. In: V. Ylänne (Ed.), Ageing and the Media: International Perspectives (pp. 46 -60). More information
Juhila, K., Raitakari, S., Caswell, D., Dall, T., Wilińska, M. (2021). From a collaborative and integrated welfare policy to frontline practices. In: K. Juhila, T. Dall, C. Hall & J. Koprowska (Ed.), Interprofessional collaboration and service user participation: Analysing meetings in social welfare (pp. 9 -31). Bristol: Polity Press More information
Bülow, P., Wilińska, M. (2021). Sympathy and micropolitics in return-to-work meetings. In: K. Juhila, T. Dall, C. Hall & J. Koprowska (Ed.), Interprofessional collaboration and service user participation: Analysing meetings in social welfare (pp. 141 -169). Bristol: Polity Press More information
Wilinska, M., de Hontheim, A., Anbäcken, E. (2018). Ageism in a cross-cultural perspective: Reflections from the research field. In: Liat Ayalon & Clemens Tesch-Römer (Ed.), Contemporary perspectives on ageism (pp. 425 -440). Cham: Springer Publishing Company More information
Krekula, C., Nikander, P., Wilinska, M. (2018). Multiple marginalizations based on age: Gendered ageism and beyond. In: Liat Ayalon & Clemens Tesch-Römer (Ed.), Contemporary perspectives on ageism (pp. 33 -50). Cham: Springer Publishing Company More information
Börjesson, U., Wilińska, M. (2018). Lärande i organisationer. In: 1 sammanhållen socialtjänst: en långsiktig strategi för att utveckla en innovativ, sammanhållen och hållbar socialtjänst (pp. 167 -181). Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun More information
Wilinska, M., Zdanowicz-Kucharczyk, K. (2012). Social Pedagogy for Adult People with Physical Disabilities – from a Polish Perspective.. In: J. Kornbeck & N.R. Jensen (Ed.), Social Pedagogy for the entire lifespan: Volume II (pp. 43 -64). Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag GmbH & Co. KG. More information
Kantowicz, E., Wilińska, M. (2009). Social Pedagogy in Poland and Education for the Social Professions. In: Jacob Kronebeck & Niels Rosendal Jensen (Ed.), The Diversity of Social Pedagogy in Europe (pp. 64 -81). Bremen: Europäischer Hochschulverlag (EHV) More information


Wilinska, M. (2018). Jaco Hoffman and Katrien Pype (eds.) (2016). Ageing in Sub-Saharan Africa. Spaces and Practices of Care. Bristol: Policy Press, 248 pp. ISBN 978 1 4473 2525 3 (hardback). More information

Conference paper

Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P. (2019). Filling the gaps? – The role of voluntary organizations in supporting older people with severe mental illnesses in Sweden: Towards increased responsibility for the civil society beyond the dichotomous substitute-or-complement paradigm. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M. (2019). The meaning of illness, times and spaces: Stories about severe mental illness from a life course perspective. International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019, 23rd – 25th May 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. More information
Enell, S., Wilińska, M. (2018). In the name of care: Locking up young people in Sweden. Eusarf Porto 2018 - All Children, All Families: Promoting Excellence In Child Welfare Research, Policy And Practice, 2nd to 5th October 2018, Porto, Portugal. More information
Kåreholt, I., Darin-Mattsson, A., Finkel, D., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Wilińska, M. (2018). Psychological distress, mental illness, and mood fluctuations in old age – causes and consequences. 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Oslo, Norway, June 2-4, 2018. More information
Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Similarities and Differences when Comparing Older People with Severe Mental Illness and a Population-based Study of Older People: Care and Living Conditions for Older People with Severe Mental Illness. Aging & Society: 8th Interdisciplinary Conference, Toyo University, Tokyo, Japan, 18–19 September 2018. More information
Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M., Torgé, C. (2018). Severe mental illness from a life course perspective – the meaning of times and spaces. Narratives by older people living in homes for the Elderly. The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May, 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Ernsth-Bravell, M., Bülow, P., Torgé, C., Wilińska, M., Bülow, P., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Older people with and without mental illness – Register-based population study from Sweden. The 24th Nordic Congress of Gerontology, 2-4 May, 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Wilińska, M., Torgé, C., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Jegermalm, M. (2018). Care and living conditions for older people with severe mental illness in a Swedish municipality. Nationell forskningskonferens i socialt arbete, 9-10 October 2018, Örebro University, Örebro, Sweden. More information
Wilinska, M., Jolanta, P. (2017). Social and Economic Exclusion in Later Life in Poland: A Gender Perspective. . The International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics(IAGG) Congress, 23-27 July 2017. San Francisco, USA. More information
Wilinska, M., Bülow, P. (2017). Alliances in making: Emotions and Micropolitics in multiparty return-to-work meetings. 7th International and Interdisciplinary Conference on Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, 21-23 November 2017, Ghent, Belgium.. More information
Wilinska, M., Jolanta, P. (2016). Economic Crisis and Ageing- Gendered Evidence from Poland. 3rd ISA Forum of Sociology, 10-14 July 2016, Vienna, Austria. More information
Wilinska, M., Bülow, P. (2016). Work (Emotion) ability – emotion work in the work rehabilitation process,. The 8th Nordic Working Life Conference, 2-4 November 2016, Tampere, Finland.. More information
Wilinska, M., Bülow, P., Rollander, B. (2016). Workability – a concept in making. The 8th Nordic Working Life Conference, 2-4 November 2016, Tampere, Finland. More information
Wilinska, M., Bülow, P. (2015). The right feeling – emotions in the work rehabilitation process. 10th International Conference in Interpretive Policy Analysis (IPA 2015), 8-10 July in Lille, France. More information
Wilinska, M. (2015). An Older Person and New Media in Public Discourses: Impossible Encounters?. Cham: Springer, First International Conference, ITAP 2015, Held as Part of HCI International 2015, Los Angeles, CA, USA, August 2-7, 2015. More information
Wilinska, M. (2008). Discourse of ageing in the Polish media: a critical discourse analysis of opinion weekly newsmagazines. 1st ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spetmeber 5-8, 2008. More information
Wilinska, M. (2007). Elder care deconstructed- in search of models of elder care in Europe. 1st ISA Forum of Sociology, Barcelona, Spetmeber 5-8, 2008. More information
Wilinska, M., Börjesson, U. (2007). Informal caregivers and the social quality of their lives: a macro level analysis of Germany, Sweden and United Kingdom. ECSR and TransEurope Conference on GLOBALIZATION, SOCIAL INEQUALITY AND THE LIFE COURSE, 1-2 September, Groningen, The Netherlands. More information
Wilinska, M., Börjesson, U. (2007). Refugees - homelessness at the global level: A challenge for social work?. Vi och de – hur länge? Integration – en utmaning för socionomutbildningen :Nordiska Socialhögskolekommitténs 22 konferens, 16-18 augusti, 2007. More information


Gunnarsson, N., Ekman, A., Ahlgren, T., Allgurin, M. (2024). Lokala variationer av fattigdom i Jönköpings län bland olika familjekonstellationer. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare More information


(2017). Special issue: Growing old with and via media. MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research, 33(63). More information