Advanced Research Methods in Entrepreneurship 7.5 credits

Course Contents

In this course, you develop an understanding of scientific research methods and apply them to relevant topics in entrepreneurship and digital business. The content covers all steps of a typical research process, including: - How to find relevant knowledge and literature; - How to propose an appropriate research strategy, choosing among quantitative and qualitative research methods; - How to define a relevant data sample; - How to collect and analyze data; - How to ensure research quality and ethics; - How to theorize from the findings and present the results, and; - How to relate frameworks, methods, and results to research philosophy. Connection to Research and Practice The course provides an insight into the world of academic research within business administration, specifically entrepreneurship and digital business. You learn about the research process and how to assess scientific research based on contemporary research standards within the academy and at JIBS. The course also draws relevant connections between academic research and business practice. As future knowledge workers, the course provides a scientific fundament to your careers by showing you how to create new information and knowledge. After the course, you will also benefit from improved information literacy, allowing you to support a critical and reflective stance towards existing information and knowledge.


Bachelor’s degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 30 credits in Business Administration and 30 credits in one (or a combination) of the following areas: Business Administration, Economics, Industrial Engineering and Management, Business Analytics, Informatics, Information Technology, Communication, Commerce (or the equivalent). Proof of English proficiency is required.

Level of Education: Second cycle

Coursecode/Ladok code: JARR26

The course is conducted at: Jönköping International Business School

Label Value
Type of course Programme instance course
Study type Normal teaching
Semester Autumn 2025: week 44 – week 3
Rate of study 100%
Language English
Location Jönköping
Time Day-time
Places 0.0
Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students 17500 SEK
Syllabus (PDF)
Application code HJ-J4088