Entrepreneurship in Context 7.5 credits

Course Contents

This course is grounded in a contextual and environmental perspective of entrepreneurship. Whilst theories and models can be useful to understand entrepreneurship as a general phenomenon on an abstract level, entrepreneurial activity is always situated in idiosyncratic contexts. Such contexts contain varying configurations of conditions that affect both the activity and performance of new ventures. Therefore, this course will develop students’ ability to assess and apprise contextual conditions. Students are taught to scan and analyse the social, environmental, and technological environment and trained to solve situated problems related to entrepreneurship. **Connection to research and practice** The course benefits from JIBS’ research focus in entrepreneurship in context. The course is taught by scholars within the school’s MMTC research group and is grounded in scientific literature developed by or within this groups field of specialist expertise. In addition, guest lectures with industry expertise will educate the students on current and emerging social, environmental, and technological trends. The course develops students in practical skills useful for entrepreneurial ventures and organizations


Bachelor's degree in Business Administration(or the equivalent), (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university).

Level of Education: Second cycle

Coursecode/Ladok code: JEXR23

The course is conducted at: Jönköping International Business School

Label Value
Type of course Programme instance course
Study type Normal teaching
Semester Autumn 2025: week 36 – week 43
Rate of study 100%
Language English
Location Jönköping
Time Day-time
Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students 17500 SEK
Syllabus (PDF)
Application code HJ-J4105