Pathway Life and Studies 1 2.5 credits

Course Contents

The Life and Studies 1 course aims to enable familiarity with society and academic life. Students will study and explore different aspects of society, such as culture, politics, history and traditions in a way that is relevant for them individually to build an understanding for the surrounding world as well as develop transferable skills to continue that exploration as a part of their life-long learning. Students will also develop study skills, and improve their understanding of the local and global academic community. The horizontal aim is to develop and strengthen student skills for participating in higher education, life long learning and global citizenship through group work, social engagement, peer learning, reflective learning and autonomous learning whilst developing agency, ability to reconcile tensions and dilemmas, intercultural communication skills, metacognitive skills, information literacy and critical thinking. Course content and objectives include: • Lectures and workshops • Compulsory study visits and community engagement


High School Diploma and English language skills corresponding to: IELTS 5.0 (no part below 4.5) or equivalent Internet based TOEFL test 61 written test 14 or equivalent


Level of Education: First cycle

Coursecode/Ladok code: PL1G12

The course is conducted at: Jönköping University Enterprise

Label Value
Type of course Pathway (local admission)
Study type Normal teaching
Semester Autumn 2025: week 35 – week 50
Rate of study 100%
Language English
Location Jönköping
Time Day-time
Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students 4350 SEK
Syllabus (PDF)
Application code HJ-P1002