Best Paper Proceedings - Academy of Management Meetings

CeFEO researchers included in the Academy  of Management Meetings Best Paper Proceedings 2011.

Best Paper Proceedings - Academy of Management Meetings

Two papers, authored by three CeFEO researchers has been included in the best paper proceeding of the prestigious Annual Academy of Management Meeting; the main research conference in the general field of management in the world. Only a very limited selection of the accepted papers for the conference are included in the best paper proceedings. This year the conference is held in San Antonio, Texas in the USA during August 12-16.  

The two papers are:
“Entrepreneurial Orientation, Generational Involvement and Participative Strategy: A Configurational Approach to Performance in Family Firms" by Francesco Chirico (who starts at CeFEO on August 1, 2011), David Sirmon, Salvatore Sciascia and Pietro Mazzola.

“Knowledge resources and performance: The moderating role of family involvement in strategy making" by Lucia Naldi, Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas Zellweger.

If you are interested in reading the papers, please contact one of the authors.
