Doctoral Courses
Family Business Research Methods
IFERA Summer School
5 ECTS, PhD course—JIBS, Sweden
The IFERA Summer School on Family Business Research Methods is organized in collaboration with CeFEO. Over seven weeks, the participants will have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge on Family Business Research Methods thanks to experienced and very committed scholars (both from CeFEO and other institutions). The course aims to provide an overview of selected major methods streams in family business research, provide a basis for choosing theoretical perspectives for a research project in family business, and serve as a starting point for undertaking the data collection and analysis process. The intention is to develop students’ critical thinking, supporting an independent and reflective approach toward research design in family business research. The course follows the structure of the research process. Building on successful research designs that have been applied in family business research and those that might become important over the next years as the family business field grows further, the course provides students with an enhanced scholarly understanding of family business research methods and the right fit between research methodologies and research objectives and actively supports the participants in developing their research project on family business topics.
The students' learning journey is guided by Joseph Astrachan, Massimo Baù, Giovanna Campopiano, Francesco Chirico, Cristina Cruz, Alfredo De Massis, Josh Hsueh, Nadine Kammerlander, Josip Kotlar, Max Lude, Lucia Naldi, Torsten Pieper, Daniel Pittino, Markus Plate, Emanuela Rondi, Ryan Rumble, Matthias Waldkirch, and more!
Next edition: Spring 2026 / Read more here
Course Examiner: Massimo Baù (2020-2021)
Theoretical Perspectives in Family Business Research
7.5 ECTS, Ph.D. course—JIBS
The purpose of this doctoral course is to provide an overview of central perspectives (theories) and themes (issues) in the field of family business research. With perspectives we refer to important theories and conceptual frameworks that either have been applied in family business research or that harbor major promise to be applied in this field of research. We explore the trends that have been in focus in family business research so far – or that we see might become important over next years as the family business field grows further. The course should provide students with an enhanced scholarly understanding of family business research as well as active support in developing their own research project on family business topics. More generally, the intention of the course is to train students’ capacity to act as critical, independent and reflective researchers in this field of research. The course is international in the sense that we will draw on theoretical perspectives, trends and topics of research applied in a variety of national and cultural contexts.
Next edition: tba
Course Examiner: Massimo Baù
Firm Ownership and Ownership Forms
7.5 ECTS, Ph.D. course—JIBS
The purpose of this doctoral course is to provide an overview of central perspectives and themes related to firm ownership and ownership forms. Throughout the course we will discuss concepts and ideas on how firm ownership and ownership forms are or should be researched. Another important goal is for students to develop the skills to critically assess the strengths and weaknesses as well as the developing trends of the ownership field of research, and conduct meaningful investigations by identifying important gaps, tensions, or paradoxes in the literature and in empirical findings.
The course is offered to both PhD students from JIBS and to those from partner universities. The present PhD course will be the first one developed on this specific topic worldwide.
Next edition: tba
Course Examiner: Francesco Chirico