Major Projects (click to expand)
Foundations Research Group
Kajsa Haag, Hanna Almlöf, Massimo Baù, Ulf Larsson Olaison, Oscar Fardelin, Victoria Resch, Katarina Olsson
We study the terms and conditions for entrepreneurship in foundation form, with the ambition to answer the question of whether and how a foundation can be used for long-term and responsible ownership of locally based business activities.
Revitalizing entrepreneurship in rural areas: the role of business ownership
Karin Hellerstedt, Lucia Naldi, Mattias Nordqvist
The project will study how rural businesses can survive in the long term and how they can develop by becoming less dependent on their current owners.
Small steps to bigger success – foster successful succession in the family business
Massimo Baù, Kajsa Haag, Simone Møkster
A tailor-made, modular online learning program with a specific focus on family business needs and challenges. The online educational program will be designed and structured following the elements and philosophy of microlearning. -
Entrepreneurial practices, revenue streams and accounting plasticity in the digital platform economy
Andreas Jansson
This project explores the specific conditions for entrepreneurship on digital platforms, and how this relatively recent form of value creation shapes actors' understanding of the historically fluid and morally laden concept of revenue, the main framework for c... -
Parental Leave and Business Start-Up among Women in Sweden
Magdalena Markowska, Lucia Naldi, Helene Ahl
The design of the Swedish welfare system makes employment the preferred career option. Yet, the number of women who are mothers of small children who choose to start a business is increasing in Sweden.
Selected Publications (click to expand)
Acquisition Relatedness in Family Firms: Do the Environment and the Institutional Context Matter?
Pinelli M., Chirico F. , De Massis A., Zattoni A. Research on the acquisition behaviour of family firms has produced conflicting theoretical arguments and mixed empirical findings on their propensity to acquire related or unrelated targets.
The Motherhood Wage Penalty and Female Entrepreneurship
Yang T., Kacperczyk A., Naldi L. The need to resolve work–family conflict has long been considered a central motive for women’s pursuit of entrepreneurship. In this paper, we propose and empirically uncover a novel mechanism driving female entrepreneurship: reduced earnings opportunities in w... -
External enablers in existing organizations: Emergence, novelty, and persistence of entrepreneurial initiatives
Cestino Castilla J. , Naldi L. , Ots M. There is growing consensus that exogenous environmental changes can affect entrepreneurship. The external enabler framework, which provides the structures and terminology to analyze these enabling effects, has typically focused on new venture creation. -
Examining Heterogeneous Configurations of Socioemotional Wealth in Family Firms Through the Formalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
Hsueh J. , De Massis A., Gomez-Mejia L. Family firms purportedly use different socioemotional wealth (SEW) reference points in choosing strategies, yet empirical research continues to use family involvement as a proxy for SEW. -
Learning from Their Daughters: Family Exposure to Gender Disparity and Female Representation in Male-Led Ventures
Wu Z., Naldi L. , Wennberg K., Uman T. We build on recent studies on daughter-to-father influence to explore how male founders’ fatherhood of daughters impacts female representation in their ventures.
Special Issues (click to expand)
Multi-Stakeholder Engagement for The Sustainable Development Goals
Abord-Hugon Nonet G. , Goessling T., van Tulder R., Bryson J.M.
Journal of Business Ethics, 2022 -
Entrepreneurship and Embeddedness: Dynamic, Processual and Multi-layered Perspectives
Wigren-Kristofersen C., Korsgaard S., Brundin E. , Hellerstedt K. , Alsos G.A., Grande, J.
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, forthcoming, 2022 -
Locality and Internationalization of Family Firms
Baù M. , Block J., Discua-Cruz A., Naldi L.
Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 33(7-8), 2021
Career Issues in Family Business: Understanding Career Ladders and Glass Ceilings
Baù M. , Eddleston K., Sieger P., Pittino D.
Journal of Family Business Strategy, 11(3), 2020
Values, Spirituality and Religion: Family Business and the Roots of Sustainable Ethical Behavior
Astrachan J., Binz-Astrachan C., Campopiano G., Baù M.
Journal of Business Ethics, 1 63(4), 2020
Open Call for Papers (click to expand)
Values and Entrepreneurship in the Sustainable Society
Audretsch D., Fiedler A., Belitski M., Meurer M. Small Business Economics
Submission deadline: 2023/12/30 -
Venture Boards: How board composition, behaviors, procedures and evolution impact venture direction and performance
Clarysse B., Lomberg C., Bruneel J., Howard T.J., Uman T. , Breugst N.Journal of Business Venturing
Submission deadline: 2023/08/15
Uncertainty and Competing Goals: Advancing Behavioral Theories of Entrepreneurial Processes and Outcomes
Gómez-Mejia L., Hoskisson R., Chirico F. , Kotlar J., Eddleston K.A., Berrone P., Cruz C., Baù M. , Klein P.Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal
Submission deadline: 2023/07/09
3.6 million from the Hakon Swenson Foundation for researching women in retail
A CeFEO project investigating female entrepreneurship in the retail sector, exploring family influence, location, size, ...
CeFEO Researchers awarded at the EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research 2022
We are proud to celebrate our colleagues awarded at the 17th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research 2022 in C...
Jönköping International Business School climbs the Financial Times' Masters in Management 2022 ranking
Financial Times published the prestigious Masters in Management 2022 ranking. JIBS is on the list for the second year in...
CeFEO Director Massimo Baù joins the Board of the International Family Enterprise Research Academy
Counting more than 300 associated scholars researching Family Business, IFERA is the world largest and best reputed netw...
Welch, N., Ahrens, J., Block, J. (2025). Regional labor market integration of women and the share of women in management: are family firms different?.
Jahrbuch für Regional Wissenschaft
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Cirillo, A., Manzi, M., Bauweraerts, J., Sciascia, S. (2025). Tax Avoidance in Family Business: The Ethical Perspective of CEO Transgenerational Responsibility.
Journal of Business Ethics
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Torp, S., Lien, R., Gil, M., Ramirez-Solis, E. (2025). Strategic renewal influenced by the perception of gender issues and stakeholder pressure: a managerial cognition perspective.
Baltic Journal of Management 20(1), 133-152
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