Special issue on Family Business Culture in the Journal of Family Business Strategy

In the September issue of JFBS, 2012, volume 3, Leif Melin (Professor and Director of CeFEO) is the guest editor of this special issue together with Professors Denise Fletcher and Alberto Gimeno.

In addition to their role as guest editors they also contributed with an introductory article entitled 'Culture and values in family business - A review and suggestions for future research'  (pp. 127-131).

This article provides a review of key literature in the field of culture, values and family business by addressing three key questions. First, what is culture in a family business context and how can it be defined and conceptualized? Second, what can culture do for the family business? And third, which factors or attributes shape culture in family business? Further more, it also presents several suggestions for future research and previews the four articles included in the special issue on culture and values in family businesses.
