Salvatore Sciascia is now Affiliated Professor at CeFEO

CeFEO is very happy to introduce Salvatore Sciascia as a CeFEO Affiliated Professor
Salvatore is a Full Professor at Cattaneo University – LIUC, where he is the Rector's delegate for Research and co-director of FABULA, the Family Business Lab. He also teaches at IULM University-Milan and the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
Salvatore studies several crucial issues in family business, including governance, internationalization, entrepreneurship, innovation, strategy, performance and reporting. He has been cooperating with a global network of scholars and presented his papers at the major international conferences in family business (e.g. IFERA, FERC, ToFE), entrepreneurship (BCERC, RENT, IntEnt, ACERE) and management (e.g. AoM, SMS).
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