4 million from Handelsbanken's Foundation for researching ownership and digitalization
Two CeFEO applications investigating ownership dynamics and entrepreneurial practices in the digital platform economy have been financed by the "Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse".
International Researcher in Ownership
The first grant is given to CeFEO Director Massimo Baù for recruiting a 3-year Postdoctoral research that will investigate ownership dynamics, aiming at strengthening and further developing the international positioning of CeFEO. The new position will soon be announced!
Entrepreneurial practices, revenue streams and accounting plasticity in the digital platform economy
The second grant is given to CeFEO Member Andreas Jansson for conducting a research program on "Entrepreneurial practices, revenue streams and accounting plasticity in the digital platform economy" in collaboration with Karin Jonnergård (Lund University) and Anna Alexandersson (Linnaeus University). The project will explore the specific conditions for entrepreneurship on digital platforms, and how this relatively recent form of value creation shapes actors' understanding of the historically fluid and morally laden concept of revenue, the main framework for conceptualizing value creation in accounting.
Other initiatives financed by Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse
These generous grants contribute to the development of the CeFEO and join the most recents initiatives supported by "Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse".
In particular, several CeFEO Members receceived important grants from the foundation:
- Kajsa Haag, Ulf Olaisson Larsson, and Hanna Almlöf are currently working on the research program "Näringsdrivande stiftelser - långsiktigt ägande utan ägare" granted in 2020 with 1.5 MSEK.
- Sarah Fitz-Koch is the recepient of the Wallanderstipendier granted in 2020 with 1.7 MSEK.
- Three CeFEO doctoral students (Anup Banerjee, Mohamed Genedy, and Jiyoung Kim) received the Hedeliusstipendier in 2020 and 2021 for more that 500th SEK.
The total amount granted by "Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse samt Tore Browaldhs stiftelse" to CeFEO since 2020 is 7.7 MSEK.