Entrepreneurship in and as Education
This section collects our work on entrepreneurship in preschool, school, and higher education. Entrepreneurship in preschool and school is about creating the "enterprising individual" and can be seen as a way to stimulate students' creativity, but also as a policy instrument in a neoliberal policy that rewards self-employment. Different actors have different approaches to this, which is problematized in the studies. In higher education, it is often about teaching students how to start a business, and here we question the male norm in entrepreneurship education.
Berglund, K., Lindgren, M., & Packendorff, J. (2017). Responsibilising the next generation: Fostering the enterprising self through de-mobilising gender. Organization, 24(6), 892-915.
Berglund, Karin. (2013). Fighting against all odds: Entrepreneurship education as employability training. Ephemera, 13(4), 717-735.
Berglund, Karin & Holmgren, Carina. (2013). Entrepreneurship education in policy and practice - On tensions and conflicts in processes of implementing entrepreneurship education. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 5(1), 9-27
Book chapters
Berglund, Karin. (2015). Entreprenörskap som kreativt handlingsutrymme, I Löwstedt J. Skolledning: Scener ur den organiserande vardagen, Studentlitteratur, sid. 95-107.
Berglund, Karin & Jerregård, Helena. (2013). Jag tar ett steg i taget: Barns tankar om ingenjören, tekno och arbetsliv. I Y. Eriksson, & I. Asztalos Morell, (Red.), Bilden av ingenjören (pp. 266-297). Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag.
Berglund, Karin. (2012). Friends, Feelings, and Fantasy: the entrepreneurial approach as conceptualized by preschool teachers. In K. Berglund, B. Johannisson & B. Schwartz (Eds.), Societal entrepreneurship: Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting (pp. 191-213). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Markowska, M., Ahl, H. & Naldi, L. (2023). Fix the structures, not the women: the case for norm critical entrepreneurship education. In Corbett, A.C., Marino, L.D. and Alsos, G.A. (Ed.) The Age of Entrepreneurship Education Research: Evolution and Future (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 23), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 51-63
Skoglund, A., & Berglund, K. (2018). Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial self : Creating alternatives through entrepreneurship education? In Revitalizing Entrepreneurship Education : Adopting a critical approach in the classroom. London. Routledge.
Theses, books and reports
Berglund, K & Verduyn, K (Eds.) 2018. Revitalizing Entrepreneurship Education – Adopting a critical approach in the classroom. Routledge ISBN 9781315447599