This section collects our work on entrepreneurship in preschool, school, and higher education. Entrepreneurship in preschool and school is about creating the "enterprising individual" and can be seen as a way to stimulate students' creativity, but also as a policy instrument in a neoliberal policy that rewards self-employment. Different actors have different approaches to this, which is problematized in the studies. In higher education, it is often about teaching students how to start a business, and here we question the male norm in entrepreneurship education.


Berglund, K., Lindgren, M., & Packendorff, J. (2017). Responsibilising the next generation: Fostering the enterprising self through de-mobilising gender. Organization, 24(6), 892-915.

Berglund, Karin. (2013). Fighting against all odds: Entrepreneurship education as employability training. Ephemera, 13(4), 717-735.

Berglund, Karin & Holmgren, Carina. (2013). Entrepreneurship education in policy and practice - On tensions and conflicts in processes of implementing entrepreneurship education. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 5(1), 9-27

Book chapters

Berglund, Karin. (2015). Entreprenörskap som kreativt handlingsutrymme, I Löwstedt J. Skolledning: Scener ur den organiserande vardagen, Studentlitteratur, sid. 95-107.

Berglund, Karin & Jerregård, Helena. (2013). Jag tar ett steg i taget: Barns tankar om ingenjören, tekno och arbetsliv. I Y. Eriksson, & I. Asztalos Morell, (Red.), Bilden av ingenjören (pp. 266-297). Stockholm: Carlssons Bokförlag.

Berglund, Karin. (2012). Friends, Feelings, and Fantasy: the entrepreneurial approach as conceptualized by preschool teachers. In K. Berglund, B. Johannisson & B. Schwartz (Eds.), Societal entrepreneurship: Positioning, Penetrating, Promoting (pp. 191-213). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Markowska, M., Ahl, H. & Naldi, L. (2023). Fix the structures, not the women: the case for norm critical entrepreneurship education. In Corbett, A.C., Marino, L.D. and Alsos, G.A. (Ed.) The Age of Entrepreneurship Education Research: Evolution and Future (Advances in Entrepreneurship, Firm Emergence and Growth, Vol. 23), Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 51-63

Skoglund, A., & Berglund, K. (2018). Entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial self : Creating alternatives through entrepreneurship education? In Revitalizing Entrepreneurship Education : Adopting a critical approach in the classroom. London. Routledge.

Theses, books and reports

Berglund, K & Verduyn, K (Eds.) 2018. Revitalizing Entrepreneurship Education – Adopting a critical approach in the classroom. Routledge ISBN 9781315447599