• Access to Scopus AI

    Now everyone at JU has access to Scopus AI, an AI-based service that helps you explore a scientific topic.
  • Good to know about the APA guide

    You are probably already familiar with the University Library's guide to reference management according to APA 7. Perhaps you have mostly used the templates for different reference types, but the guide contains so much more.
  • Enhanced search opportunities in Web of Science

    The library now has access to the Web of Science Expanded Package. This means more opportunities to find citation information for, among other things, academic books, conference papers and research data. For several of the indexes, the backward coverage has also been extended with archives that in some cases contain references back to the year 1900.
  • Welcome to the University Library!

    The spring semester of 2025 is starting, and we at the University Library are here to support both new and returning students with course materials, scientific resources, and reference management.
  • Drop in at the library

    The library's drop-in is open again from Tuesday 7 January. Welcome to stop by if you have questions about, for example, search terms, database searching, scientific publications and complicated references.
  • Library opening hours over the holidays

    The year is coming to an end and the Christmas and New Year holidays are coming soon. The library adapts its opening hours to the holidays.
  • Successful book sale at the library

    A few weeks ago, the library held a book sale where discarded books were sold for 10 kronor each. Many of these books found new homes and the library will be donating the total sales amount to the World Wildlife Fund.
  • Change to the loan regulations

    The library's loan regulations have been clarified regarding identity documents. In order to borrow when you have forgotten your JU card or library card, you must have a physical identity document with you.
  • AI Search in Primo

    The library now has access to Research Assistant, a search feature in Primo based on generative AI. One advantage of this service compared to others is its focus on searching scientific material.
  • Live podcast with Unnergången

    On 7 November, Unnergången is coming to the library! The popular podcast from Jönköping will visit the JMW hall and talk about the university campus and Jönköping Mechanical Workshop through the ages.
  • Think sustainably, buy a used book

    The library is now selling withdrawn books at low prices. Our book table features primarily course literature and non-fiction, but you can also find the occasional novel.
  • New from Springer

    The library now offers access to the Springer Reference Module in Humanities & Social Sciences, which includes a comprehensive collection of encyclopedias and handbooks from Springer Nature.
  • Banned Books Week at the library

    During Banned Books Week, which occurs 7–11 October, free speech and everyone's right to read is recognised all over Sweden. The University Library has an exhibition where you can see examples of books that are or have been banned in various parts of the world for political, religious or moral reasons.
  • Reserve your study spot

    Do you often leave your computer unattended at the study spot when you take a break in the library? Leaving valuables unattended can be risky. You can now easily secure your spot and minimise the risk by borrowing a reservation slip from the information desk.
  • Try out Scopus AI

    Scopus has recently launched an AI functionality in its service. Scopus AI usually requires a subscription but the university has access on a trial basis during October.
  • Workshop in academic writing for international students

    In October, the library and the Academic Resource Center will organise workshops in academic writing for international and exchange students. The workshops will focus on academic writing in a Swedish context. Please visit the library's information desk to sign up.
  • Board game evening at the library

    In collaboration with the student association CardBoard, the library organises a board game evening on Thursday, 12 September, 15:30–19:30. Everyone is welcome, both professionals and beginners.
  • Try out Web of Science AI service

    Students and staff at JU have access to Web of Science Research Assistant during September. Research Assistant is a service that uses generative AI in combination with sources from Web of Science in order to search and summarise content. It can also be used for visualisation of data.
  • Time for drop in at the library

    Struggling to find the information you need? Feeling overwhelmed by all the references? Don't worry, the library's drop-in sessions are starting up again on Tuesday, 3 September. You are welcome to join us on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 12:30 to 13:30.
  • Library introductions for international students

    Are you new to Sweden and Jönköping University and curious about how the library works and how to succeed with academic writing in a Swedish context? Drop in and ask your questions 27, 28 and 29 August 11:30-13:00.