Last date to register to Course in Mindfulness!
31 January - 31 January , 16:00 - 17:30 , House K
Job hunting and networking
6 February - 6 February , 12:15 - 13:00 , B1033
Write a winning job application
11 February - 11 February , 12:15 - 13:00 , B1033
Nailing the job interview
12 February - 12 February , 12:15 - 13:00 , B1033
Course in Mindfulness
The Student Health Care organizes a course for you to learn to be fully present and alive in the moment! Sign up now! Course starts on 4 February. -
New organization of the Kick Off
Jönköping Student Union (JSU) has decided on a new structure for the organization of the Kick Off. The Student Union will form a completely new committee that w... -
Get to know new people at the Meeting Place
Are you struggling to get to know new people? The Student Health Care organizes the Meeting Place for all students! Then you are welcome to join us for some fik... -
IT disruptions Sunday 19 January
Disruptions due to planned service work may occur on Sunday, 19 January. Programs and files may be unavailable. -
Master Day at JTH
On 15 January, Master Day will be held at JTH, where all of JTH's master's programmes will be presented by the programme managers, teachers and students. Time a...