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See the library's recently acquired books

Do you want to stay updated on new book acquisitions at the library? Now you can subscribe to different feeds to discover the latest printed books. Choose to follow a predefined category or create your own customized feed.

When we add a new book to our collection, it is automatically shown in these feeds. The feeds contain book cover, author, year of publication, shelf, and a link to the book in Primo.

There are predefined feeds for tracking all our new books, as well as rough categorizations by subject. For example, you can choose to only follow books about technology or view recently acquired novels.

There is also an option to create a custom feed based on shelf, language and subject if you are interested in a more specific feed.

Get started

The feeds is using the standard of web feeds, or RSS, that you can follow using specific services or applications. It is the same technology used for podcast radio, but here you follow text instead of audio.

Here's a list with the most common feed readers.

Other feeds

We already have a feed where you can follow our news (like this one) using the same method.
