Communication, Culture and Diversity (CCD)

The multi-disciplinary and international network-based research environment CCD, Communication, Culture and Diversity, was established in 1997 at Örebro University and moved to Jönköping Univeristy in 2016.

Within CCD, we study communication, culture and diversity from different perspectives. As the world today, marked by mobility and migration, has created new conditions for adults and children as well as for research, we (re)consider the conditions for communication, as well as for learning and identity production with regard to inclusion and exclusion for marginalised groups (i.e. culture, ethnicity, gender, dis/ability etc.).

We are also interested in the new media categories that are steadily developed through technological innovations. Currently, the focus is on artificial intelligence (AI), more specifically on data-driven practices in education and sustainable intelligent systems. Issues related to AI in learning and instruction are explored in the GRADE research network and the awarded centre for excellence in research, AILI. In line with these aspects, we focus on digital compentence and digital participation for children and adults, but also for the elderly.

We also study communication, culture and diversity from a historical perspective, drawing on modern and contemporary history, history didactics and the influence of history in society. The same is the case also when studying political theology and the philosophy of religion, for instance in global Christianity and interreligious relations.

Within the fields of language learning and language use as well as language and literature, the CCD research strives to critically understand the premises for communication and participation in analogue/real-digital/virtual/fictional contexts in educational and professional settings.

Maria Bäcke, Research Leader of CCD.


Three research schools within CCD

CCD is involved in three national research schools. Find our more about the research schools by cliking on the links below.

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